Untitled Part 10

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Cheng was shocked that Wangji likes him.

Cheng was confused but happy.

Wuxian finds out that Cheng and Wangji are together.

He wasn't happy that the world's most boring man is dating his little brother.

But he's busy with someone else.

"Guess my advice worked. "Said Huaisang.

"You helped Wangji. "Said Wuxian.

"I did, Cheng got a dog but it's at my house because you wouldn't like it. "Said Huaisang.

"Well that's nice of Wangji, I still hate him. "Said Wuxian.

Ning went to join them.

"I also helped Ning. "Said Huaisang.

"You helped him. "Said Wuxian.

"Yes. "Said Huaisang.

"Thanks. "Said Wuxian.

"Thanks. " Said Ning.

"I like helping you guys be happy . "Said Huaisang.

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