Chapter 2

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Laura's Pov~After school I went home 🏡 and saw Uncle Lino and Lola talking and are neighbors kids playing around.oh yah I forgot Lola is Lino's girlfriend and she's the best she's also pregnant 👶.


Laura:hey uncle Lino,Hey Lola


Lola:how was school 🏫

Laura:well......the usual

Lino:Laura wat did u do

Laura:I may have hurt Amanda 👊

Lola:Laur u have to be careful u may kill 😲 the girl

Laura:but she pushes me and today she crossed the line,but whatever how's the baby 👶

Lola:he's good he's been kicking a lot

Laura:awww 😆

Kids:*come running 🏃 2 Laura and hug her*LAURA

Laura:hey guys*hugs them back*

Kids:hey Laura

Kid:Laura Lino is training us and its AWESOME

Laura:*chuckles* 😜 okay guys go play cuz u were with Lino I feel bad for u


Laura:hi 😄

Kids:ha 😝 okay bye*go play*

??:*knocks then comes in*

L,L,L:hey Damian what do you want

Damian:how do u know i want something

Laura,Lino:we know u to well

Damian:okay so THEY are here and their looking for us 👀


Damian:yah I saw them down at brick mansion

Laura:okay this is bad really bad *freaking out* 🙉

Lino:it's all right Laur we're in disguise I think they won't find us

Laura:I hope,I'm gonna go to sleep bye
Laura's Pov~after I left I went to bed and start thinking that THEY are going to come and hurt the ones I love but I'm going to keep them safe as hard as I can.then sleep took over my body 💤🌙

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