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With his arms folded across his chest and a grim expression on his face, the wolf stood in the entrance to Agape's cave waiting for her. The man was not pleased that the druidess had wished to speak with both Colin and Axel, but he could not deny her. After all, druidic services were available to all, regardless of the side of the conflict. Rainer knew, however, that Agape had not planned this meeting for religious purposes. She probably wanted to see Axel with her own eyes, to talk to him and also to evaluate Colin's behavior before the upcoming court.

"If Agape wants to be credible during the trial, she needs to gather at least a handful of information now. Damn druids..." - The man thought.

The doe herself had not spoken much since the news of her defeat in battle and also of Magnar's capture of Thorstein. This was quite surprising to the man, who thought that Agape would start oozing venom from her mouth as soon as Rainer and his men returned from this "peace mission". Meanwhile, days passed and no "visions" or words from the gods appeared to Agape. Nothing, as if the woman had lost her supposed powers at such an important moment for the rebellion. She didn't show up on the paths between the caves, didn't go out into the woods to gather winter herbs for her potions and infusions. It was as if Agape did not exist. The only person who had direct contact with the druid was the fox Noa. His encounters with the woman, however, ended as soon as it was announced that a "three-judge" would be held. Rainer knew that Noa was a rather religious person so he was not surprised by his frequent visits to the doe in recent days. Especially after the gods had decided to spare his life after the stealth attack.

The black fox felt better, but not enough to walk on his own. There was always someone to help him move, and he also supported himself with a wooden stick. During the first days after the attack on his person he stayed among herbalists, Liv's family. There he recovered, regenerated and, although he was still weak, it was clear that Noa would live. Rainer had already spoken to the man who, unsurprisingly, was in no mood to chat with a wolf. Admittedly, until the trial was conducted, Noa was to remain silent about what had happened at the hot springs. However, the fox awoke moments before Rainer returned to his hiding place in the mountains and, in the simplest terms, began to tell what had happened. Rumors that it was Colin who had stabbed the black fox spread through the camp at a dizzying pace. Rainer, of course, was skeptical about this for two reasons.

For one thing, the general dislike of Magnar's son was extremely conducive to the theory that it was Colin who had stabbed Noa in the stomach. The victim could have said anything about Colin and the people in the safe house could have already added the rest of the story of what happened. Second, even if Noa confessed during court that it was Colin who had stabbed the man, there were still several issues for Rainer to clear up. They included the mystery of why the black fox was not at the feast during the proceedings and why he went to the hot springs. What was more suspicious was the fact of what Liv had revealed. Apparently Noa, after waking up for the first few days, wouldn't say who stabbed him. He threw around some empty phrases like "I don't remember" or "I didn't see". Only later was he supposed to point to Colin, which according to Liv is impossible because Colin was with him the whole time.

Whatever would happen during court, Rainer really didn't believe Colin could have tried to kill anyone. Not in such a heinous way. In the middle of a duel? Yes. During a battle? Absolutely. In self-defense? Absolutely. Anything but stealth murder. For Rainer, it just wasn't realistic or logical.

After more minutes of waiting, the doe finally decided to join the wolf. Rainer immediately measured her with his eyes and looked at her dark green robes decorated in floral patterns. Agape chose to wear a massive deer antler on her tiny head - lest anyone think she was going to the prisoners for anything other than religious purposes.

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