"This is so fucking stupid, Bonnet." Izzy Hands seethes as he glares at the stuffed animals and small children lining the walls. "This place is for little girls not grown ass fucking men." 

"Now, now, Izzy, the kids assured me that this is a good date place for people of any age or gender." Stede beams at his boyfriend. 

"Come on, Iz, give it a try." Edward says, tossing his hair back. 

"Fuck off, Edward." the shorter man said. 

A cheerful employee walks, or skips, up to them. "Excuse me sir, please be mindful of your language as there are young children around." She chirps before disappearing into the fairy dimension or wherever the hell she came from. 

"Oh for fuc- listen, can we just go to a bar and act like men for once?" 

"Come on Izzy," Stede whines, while Ed gives him a look that Izzy knows means he better give in. "At least give it a try." 

He looks around, wondering if there is anyway out before grumbling out, "Fine..." 

"Yay! Ed dear, could you ask that lady for help?" 

"Sure. Excuse me, how exactly do we do this?" 

The overly happy employee beams and says, "Well first, you pick out a bear and then you go to the stuffing station. After that, you 'wash' your bear, accessorize and name it, and then pay!" She finished, with flourish.

"Alrighty then, thanks for your help, miss." Ed says with a smile that of course makes the young woman blush. "C'mon Iz, help me pick out one of these." 

Izzy turns to see a seemingly never ending wall of stuffed animals. Some are themed, some are animals other than bears, some are classic looking bears, and in the middle of it all, Izzy feels overwhelmed. 

Stede's blonde curls bounce as he squeals, "Ooh look at that one guys!" 

They look to what he is referring to and it's a soft, baby blue bear with blueberries on his paws. 

"Aw, babe, it looks like it was made for you!" Ed gushes. 

Stede picks it up and beams at it. It makes Izzy sick, but he's surprised to find that it isn't with annoyance, but with affection. 

"Oi, guys! What do you think?" 

"Wow, Ed! I think a lion would match you great! It really is perfect for you, I mean remember when we all took that spirit animal test and you got a lion and..." 

Izzy tunes Stede's rambling out as he wonders how he ended up with these two idiots and he slightly smiles at the memory of them all huddled around Stede's computer asking each other what their personality traits are just to find out their spirit animals. Stupid store, stupid, handsome, amazing boyfriends. Shit. At some point, Izzy registers his name being called. 

"Israel, it's your turn to pick." Stede says, slipping his hand into Izzy's. 

Ed wraps his arm around Izzy's shoulders, "Yes, Mr. Hands, the time has come, either pick an animal or perish in the river below." He jokes in a horrible accent and, if Izzy laughs a bit at that, well, no one has to know. 

He gazes around before his eyes settle on a raccoon. Perfect. 

As he picks it up, of course Stede fucking Bonnet has to say something, "Oh, that. Is. So. Cute, Izzy!" 

"Really fits you mate." Ed murmurs from behind him.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, let's just get this over with." 

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