Naruto's House Maid NarutoXReader

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Sakura's POV

Me, Shikamaru, and the others went over to Naruto's house to hang out with him since he was off duty. Naruto was cheerful but not like he usually was. When I get busy with work, sometimes I forget were missing another friend. This time it was Naruto's first real love. First, we lost Neji in the war. Now we've lost Hinata on a mission. What makes this even sadder is that they were trying to start a family. I hate that he probably feels all alone again.

Hinata had told me about it the last time we all hung out and went for barbeque. I don't even think she got to take her first test. We were all devastated by her death. Naruto even more so. Physically he's okay but I know mentally he's still trying to heal. No one knows if he'll try to fall in love again. He probably won't look at another woman for at least a few more years. By then our kids will probably be half grown. I thought that when we all had kids that they would get to grow up together like we all did. I guess that will just have to be a wishful thinking dream.

While I was there, I noticed how dirty it looked compared to when Hinata was still here. There was overflowing trash, a sink full of unwashed dishes, non-swept floors, dusty shelves and stuff spilled on counters. No telling how his office, the bedrooms, and bathroom looked. I don't even wanna think about the laundry either. It's not all his fault. His mental health has been pretty low, and he's got his Hokage work cut out for him.

As we all left, I pulled Shikamaru to the side on the way home. "Hey Shikamaru, I'd like to talk to you about something." I keep my voice low. Shikamaru comes closer. "What is it?" He asks. " I think we should look for someone to help Naruto keep his house clean. He's so busy being the Hokage and it doesn't help his mental state isn't back to normal." I suggest. My hope is to make him feel less lonely and have a little less work to have to deal with.

Shikamaru's quiet but only for a moment. He presses his lips together. "I agree that it may help lessen his workload but don't go and try to play matchmaker at the same time. Even though it's been a year he's still grieving. Everyone has their own grieving process. He'll be at peace in his own time." He explains. "Don't worry, I won't. To an extent I can understand his pain. Sasuke's presence is only once in a blue moon. Sometimes I feel like that's worse than if he were dead." I assure him whilst getting a little candid about my own relationship. "I know." He puts his hands in his pockets. "I'll compile a list of candidates for you to look through by the end of the week." "Sounds good to me." He softly smiles. I hope this all works out. I really do feel bad for Naruto.

Over the course of the rest of the week, I compile a list of candidates for Shikamaru to weed through. It took a lot of research, but I know that we'll find someone for the job. At some point during my research, Shikamaru told me to try to avoid any fangirls. Since Naruto became Hokage, he amassed a small group of fangirls as he obtained the title so young. Lucky for him, Hinata never let them get to her. Even when Naruto was oblivious to their affections most times. The times he did recognize their affections, he told them how he loved another woman.

Out of the twenty women I found, Shikamaru told me only two were viable choices. Their names were Sakuna Higurashi and Kana Ootori. Sakuna had mid length brown hair and blue eyes. Her family is in the cleaning business. She respects Naruto and really only knows about him through the war with Pain and Madara and his title as the new Hokage. Kana has short blonde hair and green eyes. She has experience with cleaning and needs a job.

Shikamaru's POV

I was pleased with the women Sakura found. While picking between two is easier, I was still kind of disappointed there weren't more options to choose from. I decided to do a kind of preliminary interview. I contacted the girls and told them to meet me first thing tomorrow morning. I want to ask them a few basic questions. I also know that Naruto will have to pass by my office before getting to his. What I'll do is leave the door open and when he passes by assess how they act. Whichever one doesn't act like a fangirl is who I'll recommend to him.

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