C H A P T E R 3 5

35 3 12

-Same time in the past-

The rain became a slow and steady comfort for Agapito. While it was cold, at least it kept away the heat. It was clean, refreshing and made the earth smell all the more bearable to him.

It also became a reminder of what Alab has done for them.

Anytime it rained, it was because Agapito always wanted to feel the cold over the often painful and cruel sun from above. And when they would hide under the cover of which tree was large enough to protect them from the wild winds, Agapito would enjoy the feeling of Alab's warmth by his side. Even after they had made their own hut, established their own little plantation of various crops, whenever the rain came or when thunder roared, Agapito held the rain close to his heart.

Rain has become his constant, his comfort, his solace. But never before has it been this foreboding.

It was night, and Agapito waited by the front of their hut. Droplets fell from the heavens in a heavy manner, and Agapito himself was starting to get wet. He doesn't care; he waits by a bamboo beam by the entrance of their home.

Alab has not come home yet. He usually comes home before sunset, and yet the sky has already turned black and Alab's presence is nowhere to be seen.

'Fine.' Agapito clicks his tongue before kneeling near the muddy ground, and knocks on the land like it was a piece of wood used to deter bad luck. But each knock included a part of Agapito's energy, blue wisps that spread like a crack to everything it spread itself to. 'Find him.' He commands.

Alab was still stubborn about Agapito reading the codex, but Alab had taught Agapito some knowledge that was ultimately useful for cases of emergency. To Alab's surprise, and fear, Agapito was a natural at it, even more than Alab himself. Agapito was naturally intelligent, level-headed if not a little impulsive at times, and was incredibly attuned to land. And Agapito would use that same gift to bring back Alab, if he must.

He feels the energy as if it was a part of himself, both distant yet incredibly close. Through the cracks of the land, he spreads faster than ever before, trying to find that familiar presence in whichever direction. His energy is spread so thin, he doubles over due to the force and lands on his knees. He keeps his hands on the ground, still trying to find Alab.

And he feels it. Feels him. "Alab." Agapito whispers.

There is something more that follows Alab, a heavy weight that seemed to drift around Alab's entire being. It is dark, and feels volatile.

Agapito hates it.

He runs straight ahead into the rain, not caring of how his clothes now stick to him like second skin. Agapito bolts and runs into the bamboo forest ahead of him, swerving at the areas that would not allow him to go through. 'Where is he, where is he, WHERE IS HE!?'

He continues, even as he stumbles and gets mud by the side of his cheek. After what feels like a long time of wandering mindlessly in the rain, he sees the figure of another man. Agapito screams, "ALAB! ALAB, COME HERE!"

The man stumbles, walking side to side as if he was disoriented. He mutters into the rain, soft, "...Aga...pito?" The relief that comes to Agapito was almost like a high that felt impossible to achieve. Agapito hysterically laughs, coming closer. "Yes, yes! It's me, I'm..."

Alab's head hits Agapito's shoulder, and his arm was loosely locked by Agapito's waist. Agapito gets hit with the overpowering stench of alcohol as he stares in shock at Alab. "Where..." Agapito never completes his thought as Alab whispers brokenly, "Be still, please. I can't...I'm sorry..."

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