They Know

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Chapter 1

"Ramadhan is coming so soon, habibi. 😍" I sent a message to him in one of the conversations that we had.

He immediately replied. "Yes, habiba. I'm excited. I know you are too. 😙"

"Of course! But I'm gonna miss you though. 😭" During our 3 years of relationship, we have always regarded the month of Ramadhan as a vacation from one another. We knew that it is the month of focusing more on Allah. Habibi was never a distraction for me, in fact he's even an encouragement to keep my imaan at peak. He was actually the one who proposed that we need to focus on Allah during this blessed month.

"Not as much as I'll miss you. 😙 It's only for 1 month though. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, they say."

"Yeah. You better be a good boy though! Allah is watching. 😏" I jokingly reminded him.

" LOL. Yeah and Allah sees what's apparent and unseen. He knows that the only one in my heart is you. 😘"

I blushed and couldnt sit in place. His words made me jitter. I was so inlove with this man.

"Good night now, habiba. Dont forget to read 3 quls, ayatul qursi and surak mulk before you go to bed."

I checked the time and found out that it was already 11PM. I havent noticed. Time flies really fast when youre happy.

Anyways, I texted my habibi good night and did what he reminded of. Before I met him, I was far from being the Muslimah I should be. But this man was the guider Allah sent me. From day one until this very day, he helped me stabilize my imaam. I cant imagine my life without him.

Ramadhan came and my conversation with habibi paused for awhile. This year, our family moved to a new neighborhood in the city so the environment was new for us. Nevertheless, it was more Islamic than our last community. We had a nearby masjid and madrasah too. Even my brother who only visited the masjid every eid was now coming to the masjid every night for taraweeh. There were lots of boys of his age who insisted on inviting him in. I on the other hand was also on the same boat. We got neighbors who were even going to the same university I and habibi go. So everynight, they fetch me at home and we'll go to taraweeh together.

With this new environment, I could say that it was the best Ramadhan that I had. I got friends who did not just become my constant company but who always reminded me of Allah. Sisters for the sake of Allah, that's what we are. I was making most of Ramadhan due to their presence and encouragement. I remember habibi in them. I even felt less lonely due to his absence. These friends of mine filled the void.

29 days passed by, the moon was sighted and everyone was greeting one another "Eid Mubarak!" Everyone was happy because it was a feast day but tears were also shed as the blessed month has already left. I was personally sobbing in the last tahajjud I did during this month. This Ramadhan was different but better. I thanked Allah for all He had be blessed me with and prayed for my deeds to be accepted and to reach the next Ramadhan.

"Eid Mubarak, habiba! I missed you soooo much." I received his first message after Ramadhan the same moment it was announced that it was already eid.

I smiled. "I missed you too."

The day of eid came and as usual, habibi came to our house after the Salatul eid. My parents were aware about our relationship. He was actually welcome in our home. My parents already treated him like their own son. We were in a 3 year relationship, anyway.

While habibi was in the house, my sisters fillah came as well. I happily accomodated them like my real sisters. But once in a while, I came back to habibi so he wont feel out of place.

"Who are they?" He asked.

"Our neighbors and my friends too."

"Friends? You never mentioned them to me." He replied with a curious face.

"Ah yeah. That's because I have met them only this Ramadhan. We're kind of close now. Let's go. I'll introduce you to them." I tried to pull him towards them but he stopped me.

"Better not. I doubt if they want me around."

I was perplexed. "Why not? Theyre good people. Come on." I insisted.

"No, habiba. Maybe next time. I have to go anyway." But he was already walking out of the house without leaving a peck on my cheeks like he used to do. Something's odd. I couldnt read him.

To be continued ...

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