Hello! In honor of pride month, I made gay art. So here that is.
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Yup, gay art.
Call it Rorrin, Dornata, Maora it's gay af doe
fuk ren is looking a dorrin ;-;
imma have to fix that laters
Oh, here's the same drawing, but with a different background
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And while we're talking about The Betrayal, I have a few more things to share...
I made picrews:
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Dorrin: (that was the closest I could get to her new hairstyle ;-;)
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Tamryn: (there were no braids ):<<)
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The updated cover:
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I changed Dorrin's hair after I made the first cover, and I kinda wanted to show off the other side of Tam's face where she has her blind and scar. I need to fix the lighting though. Imma fix it tmr doe
Anyway, my good sirs, ma'ams, non-binary friends, and rats I have to write. Bye!