Chapter 5 - A Sudden Weird Outburst

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I come back home and see my aunt waiting at the door. She had pleading eyes as if she was begging to talk to me. I come in and she gestures for me to follow her into the living room.

My aunt says :
"Sea Fairy,I want to tell you that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I hidden so many things from you. But I did it for a reason. All these things which you don't know about link together to one terrifying event which happened of which you are the central point of. Quite a lot of people are involved with this event more than you think...Out of which all of these people are our family. And it was all because of SC's paranoia..."

I ask :
"Wait you know about SC?You know who they are?"

My aunt replies :
"Yes I do. But I can't tell you who they are,for your safety. However,I can tell you that they used to be very close with our family and that we would still get along 14 years ago..."

I say :
"SC hates mom. Why?"

My aunt whispers :
"I can't tell you that either. Your mother,when she was on the edge of life told me to bury the event deep down into the ground and to not tell you anything to do with what happened. You started discovering things though and if you want to discover more,you can because really I can't stop you anymore. But I recommend you to not tear up old wounds because it won't be easy to shake off the truth off yourself once you find it out. I sometimes still get nightmares and wake up shivering today and it has been 14 years ever since everything happened. Trust me fear doesn't do you good,Sea Fairy."

I reply :
"Auntie,thank you for telling me. You told me all you want me to know and by this you're remaining loyal to mom. Thank you auntie,I'll keep looking until I find the truth. I need to know more about the past,my family and myself because that event you were talking about will help. I'm going to go to my room while you auntie relax. Watch some TV or something because you look stressed. "

I go upstairs to my room. I see the letter written by SC lying on my desk and I reread it for like the 50th time now.

I memorise the words in my head and imagine terrifying images. What would SC do with me once they would have me?What do they want me for?How long would I be with SC once being with them or worse what if I'll stay there with them?

Loads of new scenarios and questions kept popping in my mind and I felt more and more weak as if those images were draining energy from me.

Suddenly,I open my eyes and out of my hand a huge stream of water comes out of my hands and goes out through the window. I stare at my hand worried and confused. What was that all about?

I scream for my aunt to come upstairs and she comes to my room nearly instantly.

She asks :
"Sea Fairy,darling,are you ok?What happened?"

I exclaim :
"I'm not ok. What is this?"

I release another stream of water from my other hand.

My aunt says :
"Oh no,this can't be it can't be true. Sea Fairy,um,let's say your powers are well coming out."

I yell :
"I thought powers come out between the ages of 7 to 11!Why are they revealing themselves now?"

My aunt replies :
"Well,for normal Cookie children yes that's the case. Their powers do come out in between the ages of 7 to 11. But Cookie children with really powerful abilities like you,powers come out in between the ages of 13 to 18. Some Cookie children don't get powers at all which I am an example of. Your mother had magic abilities but they weren't as powerful as yours. Yours are really powerful which you inherited after your great great grandmother,Shimmering Sea Cookie. The reason why your powers are so powerful is because Atlanta,our dearest goddess had a child with one of the first Cookies existing Shining Rock Cookie. They had a daughter and she inherited her powers after Atlanta and this inheritance lasted for lots of generations. You are the last inheritant of Atlanta's huge power and that's why you're on the Tapestry and your name is the last name on the Tapestry. Even if you have children,they won't inherit your gift."

I say :
"So that's why I'm on the Tapestry...Thank you for telling me auntie. But this huge power isn't a gift. It's a curse,I can't even control it!How am I supposed to get the hang of it?"

My aunt replies :
"Well,I can't help you because I obviously don't have powers. But your mom told me before she died to take care of the books she got from her mother that Shimmering Sea Cookie wrote. Those books are all about how to control your powers and what they can do. I think they'll help you a lot."

I say :
"Thanks auntie. They will really help."

I hug my aunt tight for a second and then I let go of her. I'm so grateful that she gave me these books. I'm glad mom got them because if she wouldn't get them then she wouldn't give them to my aunt and my aunt to me. This information from these books written by Shimmering Sea Cookie will give me answers to all my questions about my powers.

Powers are pretty cool too. You can use them for self defence,to defeat enemies,protect your friends and simply for your powers to do things for you,well once you get the hang of them of course. Once I get the hang of my powers,I will able to do a lot of new and exciting things and might be needed for adventures. Especially that I am the central point of terrifying event that happened in the past.

Hope you liked the chapter as I worked hard on it!BTW have a nice day :)

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