Fun and Games (Ruggie Bucchi x MC)

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                                                     Slipped Confession (Ruggie x Reader)

                                                                           By: Lunerna21


When you started as a student with Grim, things changed. Only a few months have passed since you arrived at Night Raven College. When first entering this unfamiliar world, you were mentally shaken. How would you adjust to this strange, new territory?

You had become close to Ace and Deuce, basically to the point where they were consistently spotted with you and Grim wherever you went. Everyone labeled the two as your "personal bodyguards," but both opposed the nickname. Either way, they had become incredibly close to you. Only, they weren't the only ones.

Friday nights were dedicated to hanging out someplace with everyone. Playing card games until midnight while chomping on some food at Ramshackle Dorm, visiting Mostro Lounge to catch up during the week, and many more. Students of Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia had opened up to you after some time together.

You astonished yourself with how everyone got along with you. Part of you feared you wouldn't mesh well with numerous robust characters. Each marked a remarkable impression on you, seeing many of them almost daily.

One particular individual stood out from the rest.

This weekend wasn't any different. As usual, you hosted a mini get-together, and it wasn't anything to worry about. That was different. Tonight, you would be anticipating Ruggie Bucchi. Ruggie was usually preoccupied with working random shifts at various jobs, taking care of Leona virtually 24/7. Fortunately, he was able to hang out with everyone tonight. With how much work was given this week, everyone desperately needed to wind down.

Why were you concerned? Maybe it had something to do with how you began to feel towards Ruggie. More than a companion or a friend. It was evolving into something undeniably more. He never depended on anyone, solely looking out for himself. His past and what he had to do to survive in Sunset Savana was understandable. Still, it broke your heart how he never spent time unwinding and enjoying his time at NRC.

You shook your head furiously, emptying a bag of chips into a bowl. Grim and the house ghosts ran about, messing with each other as usual. Ugh, you were left to finish getting ready for the night. Setting up the lounge, dusting parts of the house, and putting on another load of laundry. You huffed a heavy sigh, brushed off the counters, and pivoted towards the misfits.

"Would you guys cut it out?! I don't want another fire scare, Grim!" you barked, the jokesters freezing at your annoyed tone.

"Gya! Why're you singling me out?!" Grim challenged stupidly, the Ghosts cackling as they disappeared. You squatted down to his level, ready to yank your hair out.

"First, you almost burned the curtains last time you were messing around!" you exclaimed, implying the damaged ones. Grim backed up slowly, silently acknowledging the incident.

"Second, everyone's gonna be here soon, and we still need to clean! Cmon, you can goof around later. Just give me a hand." You ordered as you stood up and trekked towards the lounge. Grim followed suit, pouting but complying.

"Alright, Alright," he spoke. "Who's even coming over tonight?"

"Deuce, Ace, Jack, and Ruggie," you replied, as your heart leaped when mentioning Ruggie, but Grim failed to notice.

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