The start of it all...

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      School bells ring* me stopped starting at everyone having bestie and laughing till I had went to 4 th period*
Why can't I make friends? Can someone talk to me? Does everyone see how lonely I am? Just talk to people I mumerd in my head* teacher being a bitch she yelled" stop everyone stand up yall are talking to much so I finna assign yall sites"* she puts me in a group of 4 with 3 other guys* There names was jaylin,kayden,Jeremiah. Kaden was somewhat funny but also weird and mysterious cause he always talking about gun.jeremiah was funny and also always acting innocent. Jaylin funny of all of them! Mostly he outgoing he don't care what anyone say he is who he is and special his weirdness was perfect and also wasn't so bad looking then I made a move to talk to them and when I did they turned this into my favorite class the way our humor brought us together. After months March was here some what close to the end and some what seeing him on this day made a pound in my heart,not only that now I can see 2 classes since I got him in 6th period. 6th period came we sat next to each other laughing, giving him ans when he didn't even ask,made me feel good plus siting next to every getting to talk and socialize  was magically! Then I knew I had loved him and special had feelings for him. He was special in many way I loved him,wanted much more ever time I was around him. But as day go by I realized I wasn't the only one,I noticed that he felt the same way cause when I started to have feeling my funniest have began to lose voice and then now it happend to him. He even told me abt him feeling that his funniest aas gone. AT the same time Hector didn't know how to piss off special when I was with him.hector always was aggressive and jealous because I had knew he had feelings for me but i don't want him,I want you... moment after that I saw jaylin defending me anytime something happend special when the boys got a lil aggressive. I could feel safe with him always! then after moment and day noticng the school coming to end,that I didn't have much time to express everything with my feeling:/ Couple day before end of school I didn't see him for week and been missing him... then graduation came and I was a mess although I wasn't looking it,I just felt it ..
After the ceremony, I was heading to the main office and I saw you..I wanted you in the moment, wanted to run up to u jumping into your hands making out! But right in front the main office I had seen my mother look at me so I knew I had to go but shi the way you were posted outside the door had me falling for you 10x more then regular... fuck me why didn't I risk it all? Why? Why? I kept thinking abt you since then special tmr was last day school hope that you were there but I didn't even show up so what can I say? I wanted throw my head into a wall and slid down it....I guess will have to see until highschooll...bye you...

2 months later...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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