Chapter 13

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"Beautiful, I just want you to know that your my favorite girl"
Pharell sang through my alarm clock causing me to sluggishly reach my arm over to snooze it. I raised my head only to lay it back down, flipping the pillow over to the cold side.

" y/n...time for school!" I faintly heard my mom yell. I brushed it off and snuggled deeper into my bed.
"don't make me come up there!" She threatened, but I figured she was too far away to try anything.

Then I heard foot steps coming up the stairs and I got scared and quickly flew the sheets off me running towards the bathroom and turning on the light so it looked like I was doing something.

"Y/n you up" I heard my mom say from inside my room.
" yes mom, that's why there's no one in the bed." I said in a tired voice.
" okay well hurry it's almost 7:30" she said and I heard my door close.
I groaned and turned the sink on to brush my teeth and wash my face. I took my shower after and did the rest of my hygiene routine.

After I walked out to my closet rifling through my clothes to find an outfit, I finally decided on what to wear. A pair of acid washed jeans with a white sweatshirt spelling out supreme in red letters. I added some white and blue Jordan's with a gold chain and diamond studs.
My hair I left naturally curly and I ain't bragging or nothin but I was feeling myself.

I grabbed my phone and bag before jogging downstairs. My mom glanced up from her intense cutting of an apple as soon as I reached the bottom.
"You look nice" she exclaimed.
" yeah well it's Monday, you gotta make an impression" I said popping an apple slice in my mouth.
" really, so is this 'new look' for anyone in particular" she said dicing an orange now and raising an eyebrow.
" no mom, can't I just have a day to look good without it being for someone" I said truthfully.
" of course honey you can do whatever you set your mind to--and right now it's getting to school on time" she said reaching over the counter to kiss my cheek.
I playfully rolled my eyes and of course my mom caught me.
" I saw that" she said looking into the fridge. How does she do that?
"Alright, bye mom" I said shaking my head and waving as I turned the door knob.
"Bye honey have a good day" I heard before I shut the door.
I walked to my new baby and hopped in starting the engine. In one slick movement I pulled out my driveway on to school. In the back of my mind I remembered the 'surprise' Malik had promised. Who knows what that boy is up to.

Jacobs POV:
"baby you ok" jasmine asked for the 39th time.
I sighed. "I'm fine jazz, don't worry about it" I said focusing on the road.
Me and jasmine were in the car and she kept asking me "what's wrong" or "am I okay?" and to be honest I wasn't. Y/n has been replaying in my mind for the past couple days since the party. I can't seem to figure out how I'm gonna try to talk to her again, considering I need to make the first move.

When I'm around her I get so nervous because she just has that effect on me and I know I'm not supposed to be feeling this way about her considering I have jasmine.But i can't help it.

I looked over at jasmine who seemed to be a little sad and confused of asking me questions and then having me push her away. She just looked out the window and I swear I saw a tear fall down her cheek. I felt really bad now. I hate when girls cry it just doesn't make me feel good, especially knowing I'm the reason.

I finally pulled into the school parking lot and turned the engine off. I glanced over at jasmine again.
"I'm sorry jaz" I said after a while.
She remained silent and looked out the window.
"no it's alright Jacob I understand you don't wanna talk, that's fine, that's perfectly fine." Her voice cracked as she wiped her tear away.

I took one of her hands and held it in mine and reached over to wipe the newborn tears that started to form.

" baby I'm sorry I made you cry, and I shouldn't have brushed you off like that I just got some stuff on my mind aight." I said hoping she would turn toward me. But she didn't.
She looked forward and said. "so can you tell me what your 'thinking' about"

The truth is I would love to tell her! If she didn't happen to be my current girlfriend. And to tell her I may be having feelings for someone else might not be the best thing to say right now.
" jaz I really wanna tell you, I do, but I don't want you to worry" I said hoping she would just drop it.
"Jacob do you trust me?" she said snatching her hand away and looking towards me.
" jasmine what are you talking abo-"
" do-you-trust-me" she said emphasizing each word.

I just looked at her with a blank stare. "if you trust me then you'll tell me what the problem is" she said folding her arms and leaning back to look at me.
I sighed running my hands through my hair and finally gave in.

"fine jazz I just.... It's just me and my mom are kinda arguing a lot lately and basket ball practice is stressful too you know." I said kinda halfway telling the truth. My mom and I weren't fighting but basketball practice on top of AP class work was tiring me out. Though this wasn't the real reason for me being depressed.
"oh" she said slowly unfolding her arms and resting them on her lap.
"can I get a smile now" I said after a while, leaning up towards her. "and maybe even a kiss too" She looked up and a wide smile spread across her face. I chuckled and she pulled me closer biting her lip and I felt her lips on mine. After our short session, I got out the car to open her door.
"Thank you" she said taking my hand
"no problem"
We walked up hand in hand towards the school entrance.
" ayo Jacob wat up boy!" I heard someone yell. I turned to see ray and the rest of the gang.
" wats up" I said giving the boys dap and a side hug while acknowledging Brianna and Kiara. I looked around the group and knew someone was missing and Brianna read my mind.
" hey anyone seen y/n" she said looking at all of us
" nah I haven't se-" chrestano began before he was stopped by this loud music.
Blessings by Big Sean.

A sleek red Ferrari with gold rims pulled up into the parking lot. I have never seen this car around before but whoever this dude is. He must be pretty fly to roll up in a whip like that.
As the car parked people started to gather around to see who the new stranger would be. When the door opened it was none other than...

What? How? When did she? And not only was the car on point but she looked gorgeous! Of course when It couldn't be any worse. Her face was flawless and her body oh my gosh! her ass was shaped so well in those jeans and it had me feeling some type of way.
"dayummnn" A group of random guys yelled checking out the car and y/n. I didn't like how they looked at her but y/n didn't seem to pay them no mind which is something I liked about her. She isn't one to die over attention and she doesn't have to try hard for it either.
I didn't even notice I was staring until she appeared in front of us.
" pretty sweet huh" she said closing rays open mouth.
"Sweet! More like freaking beautiful!" Chrestano said wide eyed.
" you have no idea" I whispered causing jasmine to look at me weirdly.
" did you say something babe?"
" nah, I didn't hear nothing" I said looking around.
"When were you gonna tell us you got that!" Ray said pointing past y/n towards the car.
" well I did tell your beautiful girlfriend back there" she said nodding towards Kayla who turned around and started to whistle.
" really?" Ray said looking directly at kayla. It was funny doe because ray was making a stank face and shaking his head.
" is this true" ray said
" I was gonna tell you" said Kayla
" oh ok because you had a whole weekend--you know we'll talk about this later." Ray said acting like a mother.
" I thought you said it had a sun roof" Brianna said
" yeah it does, it's just covered" y/n said checking her watch.
" there's the bell" jasmine said. " I'll see you 4th period" she said pulling me in for a kiss.
" wait you knew too" chrestano said turning to look at Brianna
"oh about that" Brianna said speed walking towards the school.
" ay Brianna we ain't done" chrestano said going after her.
Y/n and I laughed at their stupidity and then we both looked at each other. It got awkward and I became nervous so I took out my phone to look like I just got a text.
" aight well I'm gonna head in" she said walking towards the school.
I just nodded like I heard and kept looking at my phone. When she was far enough I looked up to see her walk inside.
"What am I gonna do?" I whispered to myself before I sighed and ran inside before the second bell rang.

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