on tour with trigga, breezy, and drake .3

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Trey : aye breezy wasup man

Chris : nothing I have to deal with baby mama drama

Trey : I don't I have a wonderful daughter and having another on the way.

Drake : aye wasup trigga and breeezy y!!

Trey : I saw drake and said wasup!

Drake: ya'll wanna go to the club tonight sure they both said yeah at 9pm alright see ya'll soon drake and chris were

Trey : it was 7:00pm I had 2 hours before I could go to the club I was wearing
.black jordans
.gold watch
. One silver earing
.black pants
.black shirt

trey : it was 9pm I came home drunk calling tinashe she picked up and said " hey, how are you I replied "amazing." Trey are you okay because it sounds like you're drunk she said. I said I am drunk but I want your pussy right now!!! She said. you can't because my stomach is getting bigand plus im not down there and you have 2 more months until you come back home. I said alright I will get it when I get back love you. Love you too trey bye.

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