Cliffs Edge

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A/N We are almost there. Almost got Robin. Or have we? Enjoy!


Eddie is the first to enter the clearing. He looks at me first. "Well well. Y/N isn't it past your bedtime?" I flip him off. "Isn't your time of the month you long haired psycho". Dustin laughs. Eddie clutches his chest sarcastically. "Always so kind with words". I smile. I grab Robin's wrist and attempt to walk away. "Why are you with her?" I turn. "Cause I'm allowed Munson". He points to my hand. Still on her wrist. I let go. "We were just talking?" He giggles. "You sure? Wanna tell me something?" I look at him angrily. He does know how to push my buttons. "No I hate that kind of thing. It's gross". I spit out. I turn back to Robin who looks annoyed and sad. "Well I kindly suggest you run along. Vecna may have a thine soul". He makes his devil's hands. "Whatever. Tell Harrington I said hi. Haven't you got babysitting duties with him?" I smile sarcastically. "Hair bros". I laugh. Robin looks disappointed. "Come on". I walk off leaving them there. Robin follows much slower behind. "Come on. You good?" She doesn't look at me. "Robin?" She continues to ignore me. "What?" She says. "What's wrong?" She laughs. "Oh I'm sorry. I should apologise for being so grotesque". Oh. She thinks I was serious. "Robin I was kidding". She walks away laughing at herself. "I thought you were different. Cool even". I stare at her. "I am. Just Eddie he-he pushes my nerves sometimes you know?" She pushes me away. "Leave me alone". I watch her. "What about us?" She stops. She doesn't turn around. "What?" I start to cry. "There's nothing anyway. We couldn't ever be anything". She starts walking again. The sun has begun to set. I don't stop her this time. I let her go. I cry. In the middle of a forest. She disapeares out of view. Well done Y/N. I turn around back to the quarry. "Eddie!" I run up to him. "Aw miss me al-". I punch him mid sentence. "This is your fault". He looks at me shocked. "Woah. What did I do?" I look at Lucas and Dustin. "I thought you promised to stop me talking every time I'm about to do something stupid". They both look down. "I've lost her Eddie". He gets up and looks apologetic. "You do like her?" I nod. "I'm sorry". I hug him. I walk over to the boys who look kind of scared. I hug them both. "I still love you guys. Max says hi by the way". Lucas smiles. Dustin laughs. "What am I gonna do?" They all shrug. I wave goodbye and apologise so many times. I manage to make it to town. It starts raining. I check my watch. 11:18. Jesus. I've been wondering around for ages. The boys are out late as well. Huh. Strange. I get to a turning. I can go right back to my house or something tells me I should go left and go to Robin. All of a sudden my moms car pulls up beside me. "Y/N get in this car now! It's almost midnight and it's raining!" I look at her. "No". I shake my head. "What?" She says. "I've gotta go do the right thing". I run to the left. In the rain. Away from my moms car. On the way to get my girl back. Not cliche in any way shape or form. I don't even care anymore

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