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sunset, beach, sea and wind


sitting on the beach's soft sand the two looked at the purplish peachy sky, listening to wave sounds as the slightly cold breeze hit them each time the wave came closer to them. The views were breathtaking even tho there was enough air for them to breathe

"You're right, it was best idea to go here" Jacob said as he leaned back on his hands and looked at the girl who's been hugging her knees and smiling at the real life painting

"Told you" she said softly turning her head toward him, she looked at his features

God this man is so unrealistic... Is he even a human?   She though as she kept her eyes glued on him

If she keeps looking like me this way I think I'm going to faint... Jacob panicked inside as his face showed only hardly noticable smile that crept up his face when she looked at him

"You look beautiful/handsome" they both said as they stared at each other's eyes deeply, both of them were taken back by sudden timing they happened to chose in the exact moment

A laugh left out their lips as they found it funny, both of them were surprised how well they got along themselves after like 2 proper meetings. Not only they wasn't awkward after the hungover accident ninja action, but now after the whole date stuff they were even more cool with each other.

"You know Cobie... I like you" she said as they stopped laughing, her words came out like soft honey music to his ears making him blush slightly

"really?" He blurred out as she nodded smiling, looking away back at the slowly vanishing sun

"mhhm..." She mumbled "your whole aura makes me feel safe, like... I can trust you with anything and everything, that you won't judge me for what I did and when I did it... And that won't nesesery lead you to see me as someone who won't ever be like any other person" she said

Jacob then sat up straight, his eyes looking at her features, her high nose, plump smiling lips, long lashes and hair moving here and there due to the wind

"Even after my life from total mess got suddenly quiet and then again bad for a moment... I got to meet people I've never thought I'd be that close with ever in my life" she chuckled "it's like, I've finally woke up after a nightmare I stuck since last 2 years" she laughed

"As... I was used on being comforted by though of leaving everyone behind, having this freedom and peace I've wanted for so long, now when I look at it" she stoped and sighed before facing Jacob again

"I'm scared" she said with soft smile "I'm terrified and want to stop the time, here, ad right now, so I won't lose everything I've got so suddenly... I don't want to go though anything I used to ever again,  I don't want to experience dying another time, it's all nice only on first seconds, but then..." She bite her lips as she looked away

"When you start to remember all people that helped you and we're for you, guilt rushes and makes you feel regret... That you wanted your life not only making their job harder, but you never really tried to leave and do something to help yourself, now I see how weak I was..." She laughed though tears

"Sunhye..." Jacob's soft voice made her look at him with a smile

"I've never got to thank enough to anyone for everything, so thank you Jacob... Than you for today and yesterday, for making me laugh and letting me focus on something that wasn't my past" she smiled widely as her eyes watered ever more

"You don't have to" he smiled as he moved closer to her and hold her face softly wiping tears from her face "you're human as everyone, you deserve happiness and friends, you must have someone in your life that will annoy you, make you angry, make you happy sad, life isn't perfect, never was or will" he said as she looked at his face

"You're one of these who tasted everything early, which is thought" he chuckled as he moved his hands to hold hers "now that you're still here, and wants to stay where you are, you should enjoy your life as much as you can since your still young and have lots of years to waste" he laughed making her smile

They were so focused on the talk they didn't notice how sun was already gone, and starts slowly made its way on the sky following the moon which was full today.

"Do I deserve people like you after all of it?" She asked softly as Jacob nodded his head

"Heck you do, stop thinking so low of yourself... Sunny you're really a great person, maybe one of the best I've met" he said squeezing her soft hands "don't bother judging yourself harshly with words you heard under hate and force... Listen to those who are close to you now and mean the best for you, and not dark past that wants to only hunt you down" he said

Understanding each words leaving his lips the girl couldn't help but cry again, she felt happier than ever, she didn't know od the sudden happiness that came after same sudden pain was a payback or just her written by god story

"H-hey whu are you crying?" He stuffers as he again took the girls face in his hands making her look at him, he was beyond worried

"I'm happy" she said though tears

"You don't look happy" he chuckled as she laughed shaking her head

"Jacob can I hug you?" She asked as she wiped her cheeks and probably smudged maskara underneath her eyes

"Of course" he said as soon the girl hugged him tingly, placing her ear on his chest and warping arms around torso. He was sure she could hear his fast heartbeat but he also felt hers when he hugged her back

She was trembling a bit as the wind blew on them, but this wasn't weird since she had a silky light latte top and white bell pants with white high heel sandals that went just as beautiful as whole outfit with simple golden cross necklace, earrings and two rings on her left hand.

As Jacob had orange  short sleeved shirt with white flowers and leaves that had a v cut on his chest, black wide pants along with black boots, to it all he put gel in his hair and wore a cute white pearl bracelet.

"You're shaking" Jacob said softly as he looked down at her, she shook her head and softly let go of him

"I'm fine, the wind just blew too hard" she said "let's head back, we could've spend here more than we planned to spend" she said as she looked at the time, they had 40 minutes left to meet at the center

"Let's go then, here let me help you up" he said standing up first and leading her a hand

"With pelasure" she took his hand and started walking again with locked hands towards the center when everyone were stopped to meet at 8 pm sharp

I hate how my body feels before my period starts, the crams are torturing me for whole 2 weeks including the time I'm on my period....
send help- ☠️

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