Flower Crowns

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    "Psst. Psst. Diluc, wake up," Kaeya shook the redhead awake, a wide grin on his face.  "Master Crepus is making Sunday breakfast."

    That woke Diluc up fast. "Is he making pancakes?"

    Kaeya nodded vigorously. "And," He grabbed Diluc's shoulders, moving his face close to his brother's, his eye widening. "Bacon."

    Diluc quickly jumped out of bed, nearly tripping over the blankets that made their way to the floor in his rush to get up.

    Crepus making breakfast was nothing new. He had been doing it as long as Diluc could remember, and, by extension, as long as Kaeya had been there.

    But it had never stopped surprising Kaeya, his childish wonder (justified, as he was a child), in turn, making Diluc excited.

    Both boys ran down the stairs, nearly knocking over a few maids in the process. They both apologized quickly before continuing to the dining room where Crepus had set the food for the three of them.

    The man smiled as his sons took their places at the table, digging in almost immediately.

    They ate in silence for a while before Crepus spoke up. "I must go to to the city of Mondstadt for the day, would you boys like to join me?"

    Kaeya stopped eating to gape at him. "Can we??"

    Crepus laughed. "I would not have suggested it if you could not."

    Kaeya turned to Diluc. "Diluc, Diluuuuc! You'll come with us, right? Right?"

    Diluc nodded. "Of course," He replied sincerely.

    Crepus taking them to Mondstadt was also nothing new. While it was slightly less often than him making breakfast, it was not unheard of (as opposed to that one time he took the two on a business trip to Liyue), but it still surprised Kaeya all the same, clearly not used to all of the attention and care Crepus gave, despite living there almost a year.

    The rest of breakfast passed quickly, Kaeya practically dragging Diluc upstairs so they could get ready for their upcoming trip to Mondstadt.

    They parted to dress in their respective bedrooms, one of the maids situated outside of Kaeya's room in case the 5-year-old needed help getting dressed (he did, being unable to fix his suspenders or tie his shoes.)

    Kaeya met up with Diluc in the hall between their rooms, tying the other's hair up with a black ribbon


    Kaeya's face was pressed against the glass window of the carriage, eye wide as he took in the passing scenery. Fields covered in grass and flowers, trees with branches heavy with fruit, boars being chased by hillichurls in the distance.

    He didn't register that someone was talking to him until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head quickly. "Sorry, what did you say?"

    Diluc smiled at his younger brother. "I said that perhaps we could see if Jean could play with us."

    Kaeya nodded. "Mhmm!"

    Crepus smiled, watching as Kaeya returned his gaze to out the window. "Did your father ever take you on trips?"

    Kaeya frowned at the thought of his family, far away from Mondstadt in the ruins of Khaenri'ah, shunned from the Gods. "No, sir. We didn't really travel, and we didn't have trees or grass."

    That elicted a frown from Crepus, glancing at Diluc, who wore a frown as well. Neither questioned him though, instead letting him enjoy the scenery.

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