Daredevil - Jacob Custos x GN! Reader

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(This is also on AO3 my username is YassifiedSolas,,,,

Also although the truth and dare scene is canon within the game I've written it differently to how it actually played out haha,,

I didn't proof read this btw sorry)

As the sun was setting and the moon began to glow, the counsellors at Hacketts Quarry decided to spend their last night together surrounded by burning embers and some warm beers. And although they were overwhelmed they couldn't help but feel comforted by the people around them. The people they had bonded with and had grown to appreciate over the months.

They would never admit it to anyone, there was feelings bubbling in Y/Ns  chest for a certain councillor, which only seemed to grow more and more each day.  Jacob Custos was not someone they would have easily had fallen for in other circumstances. In fact, they thought he was just another air-headed jock, that only cared about himself and being popular. Over the months they had gotten to know Jacob it was like an entirely different person inside just waiting to get out. Behind closed doors Jacob was a sensitive soul, someone who wore his heart on his sleeve and let his emotions get the best of him. but no one would know that, not unless you got to know him. They wondered if Emma had gotten to know the real him over her time at the camp. Their stomach twisted in knots thinking about Emma and Jacobs relationship, they found it entirely unfair that Jacob would fall for Emma, without giving them a chance.

Would Jacob love someone like them? they were snapped from their thoughts when Dylan had clapped in their face trying to get there attention. "hello?? Earth to Y/N are you there?!" their face reddened in embarrassment as they looked up to see that their friends all were staring at them. "Yeah sorry I was just thinking.. about something, it doesn't matter.. what was the question again?" Dylan snorted at them and clapped his hand on their back, in a friendly gesture that was way too uncomfortable for their liking. They felt the sting on their back and tensed up.

"Truth or dare! That's the question, obviously.. cause it's Truth or Dare.. yeah so." They looked at Dylan sarcastically. They weren't entirely in the mood for truth or dare at the minute, especially when they had been so brooding about their summer crush on Jacob. "Uhh truth I guess." Dylan let out a mischievous grin, he knew about their crush on Jacob because he had accidentally read one of their diary pages. That was the last time they left their diary out in public spaces, at least it wasn't Jacob that read it, they thought. "Hehe, so have any crushes on anyone here?" They glared daggers at Dylan, their face heating up one again, there was a pounding in their throat and they felt like they were going to throw up. "Uhh yeah actually I do like someone here" their voice came out choked, too scared to admit it.

"Oh my god who!" Emma had exclaimed, she was always one for gossip, any drama that happened she would throw herself into it, just to get every possible detail. And although, Y/N had never watched one of Emma's streams they just knew she would tell the gossip to the thousands of people that did watch. They thought about what it would feel like for everyone to know about their crush on Jacob. How they would react, how he would react.

Although they had never approved of Jacobs relationship with Emma, they never intervened with it, just let them get on with their lives. And it did hurt them, hurt to see Emma with Jacob when they wished it was them instead, when they would kiss and hold hands it made Y/N fantasise about their own life with Jacob and what could have been if they had just confessed their feelings sooner. But now, now there days at summer camp were coming to an end and time was running out for them all. But when Jacob had come to them one night, seeking comfort, explained that Emma and him had broken up, it gave them hope that maybe they could try next summer, maybe Jacob could kiss them as passionately as he did her. "That wasn't apart of the question so I don't need to answer!" 

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