Lake - Semi NSFW! Jacob x M! Reader

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Emma kissed Nick. And all of a sudden the pining for a girl Jacob once loved all summer had come to an end. It was the final nail in the coffin, confirmation that Emma really did not like Jacob back. And that staying an extra night was for nothing, and now he was stuck in a summer camp with a girl that wanted nothing to do with him and a bunch of people that he felt really did not like him. He walked away, down a crooked path that snaked the woods until he got to the docks, he slumped down at the end of the mini pier, letting out a frustrated sigh. "Stupid, I'm so fucking stupid... wow I really thought I had a chance to get back with her, and she goes and kisses Nick? Whatever..." the tears began to well in his eyes, and even though he tried his best to suppress them, they kept spilling out. He choked back sobs as he reflected on the summer at Hacketts Quarry. He believed that not many people there liked him. Kaitlyn Ka his childhood best friend liked him, he was sure of that, and he was used to her sarcastic nature. The others though, he was unsure about. Dylan Lenivy always pulled pranks on Jacob or was just the same amount of sarcastic towards him as Kaitlyn was, and although he could tolerate Kaitlyn's sarcasm, he believed that Dylan's came from a place of annoyance. Jacob knew he could be annoying, he was overbearing and always in peoples faces, way too excitable about the most basic of things and most people wouldn't approach him due to his dumb jock exterior. Jacob picked up some rocks and skelped them across the water.

Y/N cautiously walked down the winding path, eyes darting left and right with every little noise, why did he have to run off? He thought. He wasn't scared by the dark in any means, but here, in the woods, where every little whisper of the wind, every little shake of leaves on trees, or snaps of twigs on the ground could make the most headstrong of people freak out. He approached the docks, analysing the landscape He found jacob sitting under the light, and he could hear his shaky breath as he cried openly into the night. "Hey big guy, you ran off there." Jacob snapped around and smiled, quickly wiping the tears from his eyes, he patted the spot next to him inviting Y/N to sit down. "Yeah haha I guess I did, sorry... I know it's stupid to just run off like that. But what Emma did really pissed me off." He watched the man next to him sit down beside him before turning away again and focusing on the water. "You don't deserve that, and I bet I'm not the first to to tell you that you don't deserve that, and deep down I know you know that bingo, you. Don't. Deserve. That. Why waste your time on a girl that doesn't like you back huh? I'm sure there's plenty of other people out there that would love you just as much as you love them." Jacob smiled and looked back at Y/N not breaking eye contact once, Y/N furrowed there eyes looking at Jacob quizzically, he wasn't sure why Jacob decided to start analysing his face so intently, a blush spread across his face as he looked away quickly to avoid the embarrassment.

"Like you?" What did he mean like you? Was he aware of Y/N's summer crush on him, was it obvious the way he started at Jacob when he thought he wasn't looking. "I've seen the way you look at me, haha it's kind of adorable actually. And to be honest, I've been looking at you too." Y/N gulped, hands fidgeting in his lap. Smiling dopily but not once looking at Jacob, stares alone could tell a hundred different stories, and the answer will never please anyone, Y/N was terrified to look into Jacobs eyes, because what if the answer he was searching for wasn't the answer he got. "You're blushing so hard right now Y/N haha, anyway I'm going to swim in the lake right now, if you care to join me at all." Jacob stood up, and started to shimmy out of his clothes, the boy next to him snuck glances at him, before deciding to stand up and join him, he began to take off his own clothes. "I must say, this is the first time I've gotten a boy to take off his clothes for me, I kinda like it actually." Jacob chuckled as Y/N glared daggers at him. "Jacob I swear to god if you don't shut up." Jacob just laughed more "haha ok ok sorry Mr L/N my apologies." Jacob walked up to Y/N both boys in nothing but their underwear, Y/N realised how cold it was then, as he shivered, looking into Jacobs eye, he gulped slightly at the closeness. Jacob slinked his arms around Y/N's waist and pulled him closer towards him. "You're really pretty Y/N and as much as I would love to just kiss you right now, we have to swim so I am so sorry for what I'm about to do." Panic arose in Y/N's chest at that sentence. "Jacob don't you fucking dare, I will revoke any crushes I had on you up until this point if you throw me in here right now I will personal-"

The water splashed, and Y/N gasped for breath, His hair was sopping wet and clung to his forehead desperately, he let out a frustrated sigh looking at Jacob, Jacob didn't say anything, just shrugged and laughed before jumping in himself, when he arose from the water he paddled over to Y/N "you'll personally what?" Y/N sighed, he couldn't help the smile that spread across his face, he liked seeing Jacob happy, and he liked that he was the one to make him happy, it was a better change of pace from him brooding over Emma all the time. Y/N pulled Jacob closer, his hands resting on Jacobs face gently, as he pulled their faces closer. Gently pecking Jacobs lips Y/N allowed himself to kiss Jacob. He was scared Jacob would pull away from him but instead he kissed back desperately, slowly slipping his tongue into Y/N's mouth to deepen the kiss. They pulled apart after a while gasping for breath, teeth jittering from the cold of the water. "Omg wait look" Jacob got out of the water and climbed onto the dock, he spread his legs and posed in various different ways, "you should totally take a photo of me, keep it for later. Haha." He winked at Y/N. Before resting a hand on his ass. Y/N took this as an opportunity, he got out of the water and crawled over to Jacob, with his hand on jacobs chest he pushed Jacob down onto the deck and crawled into his lap, bringing his face up to Jacobs ear. "Why would I need a picture of you for later when I have you now." Jacob let out a small gasp, his ears and cheeks lighting up in furious shades of pink. "Yeah.. yeah true.. haha" Jacob crashed their lips back together messily, they kissed for a while before Jacob slipped his tongue back into Y/N's mouth making out with him. Y/N let out a soft whimper, making Jacob smile into the kiss, he slowly rubbed his hands down from Y/N's waist and placed them on his ass and squeezing it. Which lead Y/N to furrow his eyebrows and moan, both boys growing more desperate and aroused.

A high pitched scream, shook through the woods making both boys break away fast, Y/N tumbled off of Jacob and crashed down beside him before sitting up panicking. "Oh my god what was that?" Jacob sat up looking around desperately "it kind of sounded like Abigail?" "We need to find her, she sounds like she needs help" Y/N was already in the process of getting dressed when Jacob ran off into the woods to find Abigail. "Jacob for fuck sake wait for me" Y/N rushed off after him. So much for summer flings, and late night swims in the lake.

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