Chapter Nine

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        “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me! Is he cute? When are you gonna see him again? Oh my God, I have a great idea! Come to my house tonight and we can call him.” Emily had just told Allison about what she had been doing the last few days, and her reaction was typical Allison; loud and excited.

        “I don’t think my dad will let me.” School was out and the girls were sitting outside at a picnic table, enjoying a few minutes to catch up.

        “Oh, I can handle your dad.” Allison smiled at her friend’s confused look as she pulled out her cell phone. “Hello, Mr. White? This is Amelia Reed, I’m in need of some house work and I was informed your daughter may be able to help me.” Emily stared in wonder as her best friend lied to her father. “Yes sir. If it runs too late I’ll just have her sleep in the guest room. Mhm. Have a good day.” Allison closed her phone, a smug look on her face. “Problem solved.”

        “What if my dad mentions it to your mom?”

        “Does your dad ever talk to anyone associated with this school?”

        “Good point, but still…”

        “Will you stop worrying? You are going to have a girl’s night out, and talk to your man candy with your jealous best friend.”

        Emily couldn’t say no, and after getting permission from the real Amelia Reed they headed to Allison’s house.

        The Reed’s had a nice, one story apartment in the middle of town. It consisted of two bedrooms, a small bathroom, kitchen, and living area; all a family really needed. “You can toss your stuff on my bed, I’m gonna grab snacks.”

        Emily went into the room she knew was Allison’s and set her stuff on the bed, plopping herself down next to it. A couple minutes later Allison came in carrying a bag of cookies and two cans of soda. She threw one to Emily and jumped onto the bed next to her, the cookies bouncing in her lap. “So, let’s call him.”

        “Now? We don’t even know if he’s home yet.”

        Allison opened her soda. “If he doesn’t answer than obviously he’s busy.”

        “Of course, how could I be so foolish?” Emily joked, opening her own can and taking a sip.

        “It’s okay sweetheart, you have me.” Allison patted her friend’s leg before guzzling half her can.

        Emily took a cookie and ate the whole thing before replying. “I’ll call him after dinner, isn’t that what people usually do?”

        “Ugh, but then I have to wait to hear your sexy man toy.”

        Emily rolled her eyes. “You are so dramatic.”

        Allison’s exasperated expression changed to a wide grin. “I know; it’s a gift.” She took a cookie and shoved the whole thing in her mouth.

        Emily giggled and pushed her playfully. “And a pig.”

        “Hey, we can’t all be perfect like Mr. Man.” However, due to her mouthful of cookie it came out almost incomprehensible.

        “Thank you for that crumb shower.”

        Allison chugged the rest of her soda before saying, “Now who’s being dramatic.”

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