~The Start Of A New Beginning~

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Shinso's POV
I'm a high school drop-out. I live in a ratty neighborhood filled with skeptical people and places. My parents are poor but have always tried to do everything for me. I love them dearly and I promised I would get enough money to get them out of this sketch place. My mom was now pregnant and I didn't want my baby sibling to have to grow up in this place. So, I set off to find a job. It wasn't easy, believe me. Who would want a high school drop-out to work for them? I searched the city everyday for something, anything. Of course, both of my parents were working jobs but they were minimum-wage paying jobs and my mom had to quit since she was pregnant. I was growing desperate. I was once again, frantically searching the city when I accidentally bumped into someone.

"GAH! You little brat!? What're think your doing?!" I looked up to see I had bumped into a high business man, Shota Aizawa. He had a death glare in his eyes, 'lord have mercy I'm about to die today.' "Shota! Calm down! It's just a kid! Don't kill him!?" I looked to his side to see yet another high ranking business man, Yagi Toshinori. I quickly stood up and bowed my head. "I'm so so sorry sir! I was rushing and I should've been more careful!" Aizawa just looked at me, still frustrated while Toshinori started to talk, "it's fine kid, what're doing rushing through the city at this time anyway?" I sighed. Might as well then my sob story, part of it at least. "I'm in desperate need of a job but I'm a high school drop-out. I will work anything as long as the pay is good enough." I seemed to peak their interests and then a grin that I should probably be afraid of slowly went onto Aizawa's face. "I know a place." He said still grinning creepily. He got out a pad of paper and a pen, then he scribbled something down and handed me the paper.

"Go to that address and tell them that Aizawa sent you, and that you're looking for a job. Or call the number below it to get details first." While still grinning he began walking away and Toshinori followed. 'What just happened..?' I looked at the paper, since I didn't have a phone I had no other choice then to go to the address.

The next day, I headed out on my almost broken bike and started up the hill until I got to the address. I gently set my bike in the grass and knocked on the door. A girl with pink hair and a maid dress answered the door. "How can I help you, sir?" "Oh- um.. I was sent by Aizawa.. I'm looking for a job..?" It came out of more as a question but it didn't matter much since she just nodded knowingly and spoke again. "I'll go get the head butler. You can come inside and take a seat on the couch." She opened the door and started walking down a hall, eventually disappearing. I hesitantly took a seat on the couch, waiting.

Soon enough a man with somewhat natty blue hair and a suit came into my view. He sat down across from me and spoke, "I'm the head butler, Tomura Shigarki. You're here for a job?" "Yes, sir. As long as the pay is good I'll do just about anything. I can clean, cook-" I was soon cut off by him talking again, a chilling smile on his face. "Okay. You're going to become the new caretaker of young master Izuku. You've got to make sure he's fed and actually goes to bed. Try to crack him away from his shell. It'll pay one hundred an hour, but you'd have to live here. You would have limited time for yourself, only every other weekend you could leave here to go home or whatever." I processed all the information.

Considering all the details. 'This is the first actual job I can find. Not to mention a hundred an hour!? It probably wouldn't count nights but still that's a lot of money. I'd only be able to see my family every other weekend.. but.. I need to do it. For them.' "I'll do it." As I said that his once chilling smile turned into an even creepier grin. "Great! You start tomorrow, get your things and say your goodbyes or whatever. You'll move into the guest room right next to young master Izuku's."

'I feel like there is something off about this, but I'll let it go. For my family's sake.' I left the house and rode my bike home. When I arrived I instantly started packing my bags and then said goodbye to my parents. We had one 'last' family dinner. I went to sleep and woke up early the next morning. I threw my bag over my shoulder, said goodbye to my mother once more and started my bike ride. Eventually I was standing outside of the mansion.

I knocked sort of reluctantly, I was then greeted with the same pink-haired maid. She let me in and led me to my room. I put down my bag and began unpacking. I arranged my stuff and headed to the down stairs area. I took a quick tour around the entire mansion only to find myself back to the kitchen. There was two butlers (I think.), a chef, and a little girl eating apple slices in the kitchen. "Hello..?" I muttered. Everyone looked at me. "Oooh!! Hii!" The little joyful girl said, bouncing up off her seat and running up to me. "Are you a new butler!?" She asked as her eyes sparkled. "I don't know.. the man said I was someone called Izuku's new caretaker..?" As I said that I saw her face turn a bit sad, her happy smile tuned to a small frown, her eyebrows tilted upward and her eyes didn't sparkle as much. Come to think of it, everyone in that room became tense. 'Damn. What's with everyone? Is something up with this Izuku kid?' The suffocating silence was finally broken by one of the men in the suits. "Eri, come finish your apple slices." The little girl walked back to her chair and hoped up. She started eating once more but she didn't go joyful again. The blonde haired man with the suit sighed.

"If your young master Izuku's new caretaker.. it's his lunch time. Take this up to him. Make sure he eats." He said rather sternly, handing me a container filled with food. I took the container and I reached the room I thought was Izuku's. I knocked, no answer. I knocked again, no answer. Once more I knocked, once more.. no answer. 'Is he asleep?' I decided to just open the door. I slowly turned the knob and creaked open the door. I saw a young man with messy green hair, an off-white short-sleeved shirt, and black basketball shorts on looking opposite from the door. He was.. staring at the wall? Zoning out maybe? He had his knees to his chest and his arms around his legs. He looked completely out of it. "Hello?" He didn't budge. He didn't flinch. It was like he didn't even know I was there. 'Did he not hear me?' I got closer to him before speaking again. "Hello. I am Hitoshi Shinso, your new caretaker. I was assigned to give you lunch." I extended my arms with the container but to my surprise he didn't make any movement again. I walked right in front of his vision so I could make sure he could acknowledge me.

He looked up to my face, we made eye contact. His eyes were big and extremely dull. It was like he didn't have any life in them. Staring into his eyes was like staring into a lonely abyss. A few seconds of eye contact and any lively human would want to cry. I stopped the eye contact because I could feel my heart fill with dread just looking into his eyes. 'Just what happened to this guy..' I kneeled down to his level and tried to give him his food again. He didn't take it. He hadn't moved his position at all since I've been in here, besides from looking up at me.

Seems like I have to do this the hard way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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