a day full of surprises:part 1

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We see izuku waking up with nagent on top of him.

They are both nude in the covers.

Izuku blushes a bit remembering the night he had with nagent.

He calms himself down and pets nagent's head.

He continues to do so until nagent wakes up feeling izuku's hand pet her head.

She enjoys it and closes her eyes, and lays their for a bit until she knows that they should get going.

Izuku sees she is awake and stops petting her head.

Izuku:"oh sorry did I wake you up?"

Nagent:"well yea but I liked your head pats..."

Izuku:"that's good to know..."

They sit their for a bit until nagent says they should get going.

Izuku:"alright let me just..."

He gets up but realizes he still has his pole in her.

Izuku:"oh sorry!"

Nagent:"it's ok, let me get up."

She slowly gets off izuku and gets off the bed.

Izuku than gets off the bed and goes to the bathroom.

Izuku:"I wonder if..."

He goes to the shower to see if their is still water in the building.

He turns the knob in the shower and it turns on.

Izuku:"hey nagent the shower still works!"

Nagent:"how does a shower still work in the middle of the forest, during a zombie apocalypse?"

Izuku:"I don't know..."

Izuku let's nagent use the shower first.

While nagent is showering izuku goes to get their clothes and places nagent's clothes on the bed.

After she is done showering izuku tells her that her clothes are on the bed.

He gets in the shower and nagent gets changed in her clothes.

She sits on the bed thinking about last night.

Nagent:"last night was amazing..."

She than blushes but shakes it off.

Izuku gets out and gets changed in his clothes.

They have their stuff in their hands and leave the house.

After a while we see them walking down a path almost out of the forest.

Izuku:"so about last night..."

Nagent:"what about last night?"

Izuku:"what does this make us..."

Nagent:"well...I think this makes us a couple."

Izuku blushes by how she said that.

Izuku:"W-well I should tell you something."

Nagent:"oh? And what's that?"

Izuku:"their are...other girls..."

Nagent stays silent for a bit, worrying izuku.

Izuku:"I-if your mad than I understand..."


Izuku jumps and screams a bit.

Nagent laughs at izuku.

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