An on the ice sort of thing

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"That was a good practice, make sure to go home, eat a good meal, and rest up for tomorrow's game alright?" Daichi spoke in the locker room after practice like he usually did.

Tomorrow they're going against Shiratorizawa, one of the highest ranked schools in the prefecture. Nobody said it, but they were all a little on edge.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you guys are scared. We've been working our asses off for this, don't let nerves get the best of you." Daichi added after seeing everyone's glum faces.

That is true, they had practiced every day of the month, even on weekends for the last couple of weeks, but going up against such a good team would give anyone the jitters.

Everyone except for Kei Tsukishima that is. The blonde stayed in the back of the locker room, not really paying attention to what the captain was saying, choosing to focus on his teammates instead, watching how this game was getting them all worked up and it hadn't even started.

Tsukishima never really understood that sort of thing. Why the hell are people so exited and anxious over a damn hockey game? It just doesn't make sense, all these practices don't make sense either, but he wasn't one to complain, especially since there was something that he actually liked about practicing.

"Tsukishima, I assume you're leaving last, as per usual." Sugawara snapped him out of his train of thought, giving him a light pat on the shoulder.

Tsukishima nodded.

"Cool, you know what to do." Suga tossed him the keys, and gave him a small nod before heading towards the door. "Also, remember to put some ice on your chest, Tanaka was rougher than usual today." Sugawara chuckled but a hint concern could be heard in his tone as he remembered the collision between the two.

"I will, thanks." Tsukishima responded, pressing the spot on his chest that Tanaka's head crashed against. It didn't hurt too bad, he's just surprised Tanaka didn't get a concussion from it, he can really be an idiot.

"Get some rest, it's a big day tomorrow and we need you, okay?" Suga said, giving Tsukishima an reassuring smile before leaving.

Tsukishima appreciated how his teammates worried about him and how his upperclassmen trusted him enough to let him close up the locker room after practice, he wasn't exactly close to them but he recognized that they cared, deep down he did too.

Tsukishima got out of his practice gear and packed his bag, he stayed in the locker room though. From the window he could see that the lights were out in the ice rink, Daichi always turned them off before leaving, but Tsukishima knew that he had to wait.

He checked the time.


Seven minutes.

Tsukishima paced around the locker room, this had become a bit of a routine for him. Wake up, go to school, practice, wait for everyone to leave, and then wait until the lights turn back on at 8:40pm.

And just like clockwork, the lights flickered on as soon as his watch hit 8:40, Tsukishima felt a proud smile forming on his lips but he quickly shut it down. Why is he smiling over something like this? He's being creepy, a stalker almost. He's got this other guy's schedule memorized already.

Tsukishima shook his head, running a hand through his hair, as he debated if the late night practices are the reason that he's turned into a full fledged creep or if he's always been like this.

His pondering came to a halt as soon as he heard music playing. It's happening.

Tsukishima carefully opened the locker room door and quietly walked out, moving to sit on one of the bleachers placed far away from the rink as he watched silently.

An on the ice sort of thing Where stories live. Discover now