Prologue- The Party

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Jess stands at the back of the crowd of family and friends celebrating the anniversary of Kamala and Doug. She sips her glass of white wine and waits for Tony to make the announcement. She wishes that he would hurry. She wants to leave before Kamala can get away to talk to her. She will lose her nerve to leave if she looks into the deep brown eyes that she loves so much. She can not stay, Doug has made it clear she no longer belongs in their lives.

Tony and Jess had been planning this moment for Kamala and Doug for 6 months. They had worked to make sure every detail was just how they would love it. She spent millions to buy the perfect Mansion overlooking the pacific ocean for them. The dream they had discussed so many times while they were wrapped in each others arms. A place where they can just be them and sit on a beach with their family and friends. Kamala and Doug have no idea they were standing on the terrace of that dream. They think this is just rented for the party.

Tony gets up on the small stage and calls Kamala and Doug up to join him. A waitress brings them a tray filled with Champagne. Jess takes a glass and prepares herself for the speech. Cory walks up beside her and place a arm around her waist.

"Are you ready to go after this? The plane is waiting." Cory says while placing a gentle kiss on the side of her head.

With a sigh and a slight smile, Jess looks up at Cory, "Of Course"

"You will feel better once we are in the air."

"You are right. I will." Jess says not taking her eyes off of Kamala and Doug but leaning into Cory for support as her heart silently breaks. She takes in a deep breath and blinks back the tears in her eyes. Cory kisses her gently on the side of the head and tightens his grip on her waist to let her know he is there for her.

Tony starts his speech "Kamala and Doug, we brought you to this beautiful over look to celebrate the anniversary of your marriage. Tonight those of us that love you the most celebrate your love for each other."

Cory leans over and whispers into Jess's ear, "Breath" S

Jess lets out the breath she did not realize that she had been holding. This was supposed to be her moment. This is the moment that she had been dreaming of since the moment this mansion came on to the market. This was her speech to be making. She was supposed to have the front row view for the looks on their face when they realized that she had bought this place for them. Instead she will watch from a distance and then she will walk out of their lives. Should would not have come but Tony insisted that she not back out.

Tony continues, " for every celebration, there must be a gift. You are standing on your gift."

Kamala and Doug both look confused and gave a nervous laugh.

"You are giving us a stage?" Doug asked

"Now Doug, do we really need to give Kamala a stage since she has her choice of them?" Tony asks with a laugh, making everyone in the crowd laugh.

"Good point" Doug replies. Kamala immediately rolls her eyes at Tony and Doug, but then searches the crowd until her eyes meet Jess's eyes. Jess looks back, but keeps her face blank trying to not reveal the pain she is feeling.

"No, this all belongs to you and Kamala. This is a place that you will be able to gather your family and friends in private. You will be able to walk on the beach with privacy. Your security will have a place to stay while they are protecting you. This is our gift to you. We love you. We wish you many more years of a loving and happy marriage. Cheers" Tony says raising his glass.

Doug and Kamala look at each other and then back at Tony. Neither think that they could have heard her correctly.

"This is ours?" Kamala stutters. Raising her hand to her mouth in shock. A tear rolls down her cheek. The crowd around them claps and cheers.

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