Know then.

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Chapter 1:


A trio of preppy girls past by Kaleb eyeing him with a despised look on their fake made up faces, he ignored them and looked at his phone, he sat there looking down thinking.

"Ugh... really? Sheesh where is she?"he mumbled under his breath.

He ran his fingers through his long brown hair.

"Hey Kaleb!" Reese said, Kaleb smiled.

He was sitting on a fire hydrant right next to a bench with peeled paint and a lot of bird poop, in Kaleb's point of view Reese was the beautiful tomboy like girl, who didn't care what others thought of her, he really likes her for that. He got up and carried his skateboard.

"Soooo... uh how's life?" She asked with a small smile.

"Umm better 'cuz you came" he smirked and looked at her blushing.

She looked down and fixed her long wavy bangs.

He laughed "Well, I'm sorry if I made it awkward!"

She laughed and crinkled her nose as she looked at him and said "ahhhh no prob' I sorta like that..."

He turned red as he put down his board and rode, she followed on her silver bike. She let go of her handles and took Kaleb's black and neon green addidas hat and put it on.

"It looks better on you.." He said quietly.

"Oh come on your just saying that! You look great whenever" she said as she lightly pushed him.

He smiled and looked at her, even though his eyes were brown they glowed every time he looked at her. When she looked at him it made him feel like all his problems go away... They weren't the closest but when their friends were ditching them for the jocks or cheerleaders they came to each other. They've known each other since sixth grade at J. Clark middle school. Bangarag by Skrillex blasted, it was Reese's phone ringing, she quickly answered it.

"Oh hey sup!... Yah, yah I'm with Kaleb... No... NOOO SHUT UP... Kay gotta go... No! Ok sheesh!" She hung up and tried to change her mood of frustration to an ok look.

"Hmm lemme guess it was.....Caitlyn right?" He said with a smirk,

"Mhmm you got that right" she said rolling her eyes.

"What did she say?"

"just some stupid girly questions... You won't understand" she said shrugging.

Caitlyn was the preppy sassy sorta jerk like girl who was only good to the people she thought was cool, she's in her own world that he despised... A LOT! He could tell in Reese's eyes she was annoyed, Reese noticed Kaleb looking at her...

"So do you like her?" Reese said In a shy like way,

"No offense but she really had to watch what she says... She can be a ..." He got cut off by Reese finishing his sentence

"Jerk? Yah I know... She's such a suck up liar, anyways I think she likes you to be totally honest. Heh sorry, I probably making it awkward for you." She explained.

"Hey the only thing that's awkward is that you keep reading my mind! Oh and when somebody flirts and your totally not interested!" He said trying to make her feel better.

"Ha ha ha! True true" She let out a laugh

"Come on I think their waiting for us right now, we're late anyways" they zoomed off.

You could already hear splashing and screams of joy.

"Come on!" Reese grabbed a water ballon and threw it at Ollie.

"Hey Reese, sup Kaleb!" Ollie said with a soaking wet shirt. Kaleb took off his sweater and grabbed a water ballon.

"Right now is a battle between life and death the team who looses has to treat the winning team to a movie and any side they want. Oh whoever runs out of balloons first wins" Ollie yelled out so that everyone in the field heard. There were about 11 boys and 5 girls. So the teams were divided equally into 2 teams. There were about 10 full trash cans of water balloons for each team so they were always ready, Reese and Kaleb were on different teams, Reese was on Ollie's team and Kaleb was on Caitlyn.

"Ready, set.... FIRE!" It was like a rain of water balloons everywhere. During the first few seconds Kaleb was already soaked. When they were done they ran to an old abandoned building across the street nothing was there so they made it their hide out. Reese went on top of a garbage can and jumped onto the ladder dragging it down. They Kaleb, Ollie and Caitlyn followed but the others went home. You could definitely tell that the building was owned by some pretty famous people. With all these luxury chairs and appliances, some bling here and there. It was like their little apartment all for themselves. They normally went there to shower and eat but this time was to actually sleep over. They brought their own Wi-Fi so they were all good.

"Hey, who's up for a movie?!" Ollie said quietly but clear.

"I'm in! How about 'Warm bodies', it's the perfect mix of thriller, comedy, horror and for us girls, romance" Reese said with a convincing look on her face.

"Sounds good to me." Kaleb gave Reese a dimpled smile as he fixed his hair.

Reese gave Kaleb a little push "Wow you fix your hair more than us girls do!" She laughed.

"Hey sometimes guys like clean hair other than a jungle." Kaleb said with confidence.

"Dido, I so agree!" Ollie added. Caitlyn and Reese rolled their eyes and loaded the movie. They all plopped on the leather couch with their junky chips soda and a lot of candy. They changed into a shirt and shorts so they were comfortable.

"How many calories is this?" Caitlyn said holding the chocolate bar up close to her face as she read it.

"Not a lot. Maybe about 5 million." Reese smirked as she watched Caitlyn throw the bar away.

"Eat it. We can speed walk race tomorrow." Kaleb added as he set up the movie.

"Oh my gosh!" Caitlyn yelled, because of the effects that boomed in her face. Caitlyn curled up in a ball and tried not to look. On the other hand Kaleb, Ollie and Reese were either cheering laughing or in Ollie's way, crying. The movie finally finished as Caityln spazzed everywhere thinking there were dead people and zombies everywhere.

The next day was school so Kaleb was up early so Reese won't see the hurricane he looked like when he wakes up. The apartment had many rooms so each of them had their own individual areas. He balled up his dirty clothes and stuffed them in the most hidden sealed pocket he could find in his bag. He was fresh from the shower and smelt like apples. He could hear Reese blow drying her hair, he didn't know why because he thought that she had nice hair naturally. Of course it's just because she's a girl after all. The others woke up and they all started to go to school. The walk wasn't too far, maybe about 3 blocks or so. Once they entered the yard all you could her is screaming and running and gossip. They had a little spot that they would hang around. It was near the building with the yellow poles. They would sit there. Being in high school everyone had a place and stereotypical name. They were sort of popular but not to the point that everyone knows them. They are normally the kids you see who look cool but don't say much. Ollie started poking Kaleb's hair.

"Can you stop Olz?" He said.

The P.A went on "KALEB ROCKER PLEASE REPORT TO THE OFFICE!" It boomed everywhere.

"Man you have the coolest last name!" Ollie nudged him.

So Kaleb walked over the sea of eyes to the main office.



My first and maybe best. Hope you enjoy so far the next will be out soon!


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