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I got out of the car with my mom I went up the stairs into the building and I went into the hallway near the room where tryouts are going to be I was sitting with Seok-kyung

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I got out of the car with my mom I went up the stairs into the building and I went into the hallway near the room where tryouts are going to be I was sitting with Seok-kyung. You know I haven't talked to Eunbyeol for a while now I should hangout with her when I have time.

It was about to be my turn until I saw Eunbyeol running out crying did she mess up? Jenny turns to me and Seok-kyung "I think Eunbyeol made a mistake!" She loudly exclaims "does that matter? Her grandpa is the director of this school" after I listen to Seok-kyung say I went into the room and sang the 2 Italian songs I didn't mess up my mom made me start classical music since I was young I like singing but sometimes I don't I'm really good at it but if if could I would take a year break.

I came out of the room and gave a thumbs up to Seok-kyung and Jenny signaling that I did well. Jenny gave me a big smile and said good job it was Seok-kyung turn "good luck" I smiled at her and she smiled back.

I waited for her and she eventually came out and told me she did well and now it's Jenny's I told her me and Seok-kyung would wait for her where the parents were.

Me and Seok-kyung walked past a girl with a mask and a blue & black jacket we both looked at her badge her name was Min Seok A and she looked awfully familiar.


All of the Hera palace kids were in the downstairs lounge (and jung-hwan too) waiting for the results I opened my phone. " Seok-kyung, junghwa you passed right?" Seok-hoon said "yes I passed" I answered "yeah" Seok-kyung said "me too" Minhyeok and jung-hwan say. 'how about you Jenny?" I say "I passed too" she smiles happily.

"I got 2nd for classical singing... Who got it first?" I ask. Everyone looked at each other wondering if anyone knew. "I got first place of band" Seok-hoon said. " Seok-kyung you didn't get first place?" Mr Joo said walking towards us "no who did?" She asked "Min Seol A" he answered.

"She dropped out of high school and took the GED" I look at Seok-kyung "Min Seol A?" We both say "we saw a min Seol A walking through the halls" I say. Seok-kyung looks at the people walking around and spots Lee Anna. Seok-kyung runs after her and pulls her wig off and throws it on the ground. We all look in shocked "it was you, wasn't it? I wasn't mistaken." Seok-kyung says "Seok-kyung what are you doing to your teacher?" Mrs Shim says "what teacher? I saw her in the halls with junghwa at the test site. She took junghwa first place!"

Seok-kyung grabbed Min Seol A bag and goes through it pulls out her purse and her father grabbes it he looks at the ID he scoffs "Min Seol A"

My parents and I were in Mr Joo's living room "are you really the same age as Seok-kyung in middle school?" Mrs Shim asks "can't you see this?" Seok-kyung says playing with Min Seol A ID "she's the same age as me and she doesn't even go to school" she yells

Seok-kyung and I look at her "we don't even know where she came from. Can you believe we called her a teacher and took lessons from this swindler?" She throws the ID on the table with Min Seol A wig and bag. "You lied as if you studied abroad" Mr Joo says.

"When you actually only live in Bosok village " he says looking mad. "Why did you do this?" My father says by looking at Min Seol A "answer him" Mr Joo says. "I'm sorry for lying. But I returned all the money when you fired me. And I'm not their teacher anymore."

"So you didn't do anything wrong?" Mr Joo says. "I taught them as much as you paid me and I was never late" Min Seol A said.

"Seok-kyung was the one who was rudest to me, she even humiliated me and claimed I was a theif."

Seok-kyung got up and yelled "shut your mouth". "Seok-kyung" Me Joo says getting up and sighs "how did you come in first in the test then?"

"I passed fair and square with my talent" Min Seol A said. "My daughter would have made it first with her talent if it wasn't for you" My father said getting mad.

"Who knows what a swindler like you could've done? Maybe you approached us on purpose to steal our information" Seok-kyung said yelling at Min Seol A "there's no information I can take from you anyway" min Seol A said looking Seok-kyung in the eyes.

Seok-kyung slapped Min Seol A in the face and Mrs Shim gets up "Seok-kyung!"

"That's for tricking our family's and making us into fools" Seok-kyung said not listening to Mrs Shim. And she slapped her again making her fall "that's my warning telling too to know your place" I get up standing behind Seok-kyung "why are you angry?" She exclaims.

Mr Joo walks up to Min Seol A and puts his foot on her pressing down "of you're finished enjoying yourself like a reckless brat, ita time to be punished." Pushing her down all the way.

"Tell me your parents number." Mr Joo says that and Mrs Shim trys to stop him "please stop"

"I don't have parents" Min Seol A says shaking.

"You don't have parents? Are you a orphan then?" Mr joo says looking down on her.

"How pathetic" stepping on her one last time. "She has nothing to do with us now" Mrs shim says. "She already apologized too."

Min Seol A gets up "you creeped me out from the beginning" Mr Joo says "an insincere person like you gives out a particular vibe"

"That nasty feeling that really creeps me out" my dad adds. "Your not exactly living an honest life either" Min Seol A added making us all confused. "What did you just say?" Making Mr Joo mad.

"If you're done, I'll be off now" she walks pass Seok-kyung, me and Seok-hoon getting her stuff. "Hey where do you think your going?" Seok-kyung yells "Yah!" Seok-kyung follows her to the door. "That vulgar brat" Mr Joo exclaims. "I can't believe you let someone like her into our house" Me Joo looks at his wife and leaves.

I look at my parents my mom told me that they were going home. Seok-kyung comes walking back to us "it won't end it here" she says looking at us, Seok-kyung opens her phone and texts something in the group chat.

I look through everyone's messages not knowing what to say I'm mad at her for lying and taking my ring. But I don't know what Seok-kyung has under his sleeve but it's something bad.


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The next part is the kidnapping part-

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