Humans are Strange part 1

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"Where are you going?" Tony asked Nat.

"To get the wolf pup to safety," Nat responded and walked away.

The wolf in question was watching the fight. Her wound was healing. It would go faster in her main/ two-legged form; but she was worried how they would react when they saw. Growing up, she was hated for being a halfling. Her parents had hoped she would get the best of both worlds. Unfortunately, she unlocked them the day before her first day of school. She had known enough of the basics to control and hide her powers. The degrading from family and others had been a blessing in disguise. It took a lot to earn her trust. This was the number one thing that kept her from falling into traps or trusting the wrong people.

She watched Scarlet Witch and Hulk team up and start coordinating their attacks. This was angering Ray, which was a good thing. He was young and still inexperienced in a lot of things, like emotions, which was something the wolf learned at a very young age. At this rate, Ray would soon make a mistake and that would be the best time to defeat him.

Her ear flicked in the direction behind her, alerting her to someone sneaking up behind her. She turned her head and saw the one she had originally slammed into, Nat, coming over to her. She then looked around the room. Everyone was pretty much back in the living room area since the majority of the fighting was happening in the kitchen.

"I am here to get you to the safety of the living room," Nat whispered. The wolf nodded, her ears flicking in different directions. She was listening for it to be a trap or ambush. For whatever reason, these beings had trusted her easily.

This was not normal for her. "Silver." Nat looked confused for a moment. "My name is Silver." Nat smiled at her and reached out her hand. "My witch form would be better and stronger." Nat tilted her head as Silver glowed. The wolf form disappeared and a human-like being with blue eyes, long black hair, light brown skin, and silver wings appeared. She was wearing a brown, sleeveless shirt that almost touched her knees and bright blue jeans. She had no shoes on.

Silver hesitated only a moment before grabbing Nat's hand. Nat took notice of Silver's long claw-like nails and smooth hands. Nat picked Silver up and carried her to the couch. She placed Silver next to Peter. Peter hugged Silver who stiffened upon contact.

"Definitely not used to this," she mumbled.

Peter smiled and said, "Get used to it. My friends are going to love you."

"Enough!!" screamed Ray. He sent out a magic wave, which did nothing to Scarlet nor Hulk. It disappeared before reaching the living room.

"Done yet?" Scarlet asked. Her hands and eyes glowed as she floated higher into the air. Ray growled in frustration before teleporting away. "Well, that was interesting."

Silver's eyes glowed and soon the entire area was repaired. It looked as if the events had not happened, except that Silver was still there and the couch had not been moved.

Peter looked over at Silver, gave her another hug, and said, "Welcome to the Avengers!" Silver heard snickers from around the room and smiled.

"My name is Silver and I apologize for that."

"No worries," Wanda said. "Glad we were able to be of assistance."

"Out of curiousity," Tony started. Silver turned and looked at him, tilting her head to the side. "How old are you? Where are your parents? Would you have been able to defeat him? Do you need us to take you to the medical ward? Would you like to live here?"

"Tony!" everyone shouted, using their scolding tone. Silver's ears flattened and giggled a little.

"I am thirteen and yes, I would have been able to defeat him even with the wounds I received," Silver answered.

"No offense," Steve began. "Why didn't you when he had Peter in a choke hold?"

"None taken. I would have ruined Hulk's big entrance if I had moved to bite his leg. Anything would have distracted such an inexperienced witch from letting go of Peter," Silver explained.

"How are your wounds?" Nat asked and everyone turned to Silver with worry.

"I have been through a lot worse; so do not worry about me."

"Just because you have been through worse does not make the pain disappear," Tony said, kneeling down in front of her. Silver looked away, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.

"When you are me, you must learn to hide pain in order for the one harming you to be bored and leave. Learned that at a young age," Silver explained.

"Where was your family?" Peter asked.

"Who do you think taught me?" Silver responded and looked up at him. The Avengers hearts broke at the news and Peter hugged her.

"They won't be able to hurt you here," he tried to assure her.

"If they wish to harm me then they will," Silver responded with a shrug.

"We will do our best to keep you safe," Tony promised.

Silver tilted her head again and said, "Humans are strange." This caused most of the Avengers to laugh.

After some coaxing from Tony and Friday, Silver agreed to stay. She alerted here school that she would be sending in her work at the end of every week as long as they agreed to send her the work at the beginning of the week. Tony went over the contract with her and asked to have multiple copies so he could have his lawyers make sure there was nothing hidden.

The next day, Peter begged for Silver to come with him to school. She hesitated, but Peter and Friday assured her that she would not get in trouble. She ended up flying Peter to school since she could not fit into a vehicle because of her wings.

On the way, Peter pointed out a few of his favorite places to hang and told her he was Spider-man. Since she had no idea who that was nor what that meant, Peter excitedly told her about how he was bit by a radioactive spider and now used his powers for good. When he asked her to keep it a secret from others, she questioned why he would trust her with this information.

"You have not done anything to betray my trust," Peter began. "I can tell trust is very important to you and I wanted you to know that you had my full trust."

"What if I betray you in the future?"

"I guess, we will just have to cross that bridge if it happens."

"Humans with spider powers are strange," Silver said, causing Peter to snort and then start laughing.

"Is this your catch phrase or something?"

"Maybe," Silver said. "Depends on how strange you humans turn out to be."

Once they landed at the entrance of Peter's school, Peter grabbed her hand and led her inside. Although, Silver was a little worried that Peter's friends might not like her, she did find this place fascinating. Her school was a bunch of rooms that were connected by the vents that let in oxygen. There were no windows or doors. Since by this time, every witch and halfling would know how to teleport. It was the first spell parents taught their children. Since Silver's powers did not make themselves known until the first day of school, Silver had trusted her instincts to get her to classes.

It turned out, her instincts were the best the school had seen in awhile. This had actually been what had first put her in the sights of the pureblood witches. Most left her alone since they did not care. However, Ray and his rich friends figured they would receive no punishment for messing with a halfling. This had so far proven to be true.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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