adventures in eri sitting

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We see Garfield and Otto sitting on the couch as we here foot steps

Subaru: alright knuckleheads, I need you to watch eri for tonight, while me and rem are gone

Garfield: you got it boss

Otto: you really trust us with eri?

Subaru: normally I wouldn't but I don't have any other options everyone else is busy tonight


Rem: and her bedtime I at 9:30 at least

Garfield: rem we got this, now go on

Rem: we can postpone if needed

Subaru: rem, they already said they can handle this, just go in the car I'll be there in a second

Rem: [sigh] OK

Subaru gets close and uses his quirk

Subaru:[glares] if anything happens to her while we're gone I will make sure you both will suffer

Otto: [scared] okay Subaru

Subaru: good, bye eri

Eri: [waves] bye bye!

As the Garfield shuts the door, turns around

Garfield: alright kid let's do something fun, kid?

Garfield turns around to see eri gone

Garfield: eri?  Eri?  ERI?  OTTO!! ERI'S GONE

Otto: WHAT!!!

Otto runs into the hall way

Otto: what do you mean eri's gone

Garfield: I just said eri's gone

The two run in the living room as we see Garfield lift the couch,

Otto: maybe she's in her room

The two look in her room to see her not there

Garfield: oh shit, boss is going to kill us

Otto: let's just come down, maybe if we just

Garfield: there's no time we will just have to look around the city

Otto: we can't look through the whole city in a few hours

Garfield: we'll just have to try, I guess


We see Subaru and Rem in a restaurant eating until Subaru suddenly stops

Rem: what's wrong?

Subaru: I feel like Garfield's doing something stupid

Rem: maybe call him

Subaru: good idea

Back with Garfield and Otto, otto's phone starts ringing

Otto: oh crap it's Subaru

Garfield: we'll don't answer it

Otto: I can't you know how Subaru gets when we don't answer

Garfield thinks for a moment

Garfield: okay answer, I'm going to find eri

Otto answers the phone

Otto: hello

Subaru: Otto, just checking in on you, how's eri

Otto: good

Subaru: can I talk to her

Otto: no

Subaru: [stern] Otto put eri on the phone

Otto: [scared] got to bye

Otto hangs up the phone

Back at the restaurant Subaru just stares at the phone

Rem: everything okay?

Subaru: there hiding something, let's go

We cut back to Otto and Garfield, now walking down the sidewalk


Otto: Garfield, I don't think we're going to find her before Subaru

Subaru: Subaru does what,

The two look scared as they turn around to see Subaru and rem staring at them menacingly

Rem: Otto what are you two doing out here and not watching eri

Otto: I [sigh] we lost eri

Just then we see shinso walking down the sidewalk, and holding shinso's hand is eri

Shinso: Natsuki sensei I believe she is with you

Rem runs and scoops up eri in a hug, as we Subaru glaring at otto and Garfield

Subaru: shinso why was eri with you

Shinso: eri told me that she was looking for something to get you two so she walked to the store, where I found her, so now I was taking her home

Subaru: well thank you for doing that shinso, I appreciate that, infact could you look after her for a few minutes?

Shinso: yeah sure


We eri sitting in shinso's lap reading, as we see in the back ground we see Garfield and Otto jumping through a window, followed by Subaru quik activated with binding cloth in hand and Ren with her horn and Morningstar jumping out of the window chasing then

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