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(Hi! note: in this story, anya is 14 and the rest are 15)

It was a bright,fresh and sunny day. As Anya got off the school bus, Becky quickly ran up to her, ecstatic.

"Anya!Anya! Did you see the new guy? He's so hot!" Becky exclaimed. Anya sighed. Becky was always talking about "hot" guys. Gosh, when wil she ever stop? Just then, a unfamiliar face walked up to her. He had dark blue hair and shining aquamarine eyes. Seeing him, Becky was drooling like crazy. Anya had taken the hint: this was the new guy.

"Hi, pink hair girl. I'm Claude." Claude said to Anya. Anya looked at him with a stunned face and said, "Are you talking to me?"

As a response, Claude just stared at her giving the signal: 'how dumb can this girl be?' Anya quickly read his mind. Offended, she replied, "I'm Anya! Sorry, I just spaced out there for abit haha." 'God, I just want to punch him right here.

  Suddenly, the bell rung. Anya quickly gathered her books and rushed in a hurry. Suddenly, she tripped. Infront of everyone.

  'Wow. This is the most humiliating day of my life.' Anya thought to herself. All of her things were scrambled in a complete mess. Just then, someone helped her up. She realised it was Claude.

  "Hey, are you okay? You look miserable." Claude exclaimed. He took her hand and helped her get up. Suddenly, the whole grade was freaking out like crazy. Anya blushed and left Claude saying one last word: Thanks.

  During lunchtime, Anya was walking back to class to study when she bumped into a hard chest. 'Oh god. Not this Claude again!' she thought to herself. But this time, It was a different voice. Damian?!, no, that can't be. Unfortunately, It was.

   "Hey! You idiot, who was that guy?!" Damian snapped. Anya was surprised he even cared. 'God, I want to punch that guy. How could he-' Damian thought to himself. Reading his thoughts, Anya blushed awkwardly. "I.. I have to go."

   After school, when Anya was in the library studying, Claude went up to her. "Now that we're alone, I want to tell you something." Oh gosh, Anya already had seen it coming. "No." she replied firmly. Seeing this reaction, Claude was taken back. He had never been rejected before! How could someone reject his dashing looks and his amazing wealth, after all? No, this must be a prank. Thinking he had the consent, Claude leaned in. Anya quickly tried to escape, but Claude held her shirt. "Stop it! I don't want to kiss you!" Anya screamed. "Playing hard to get, M'Lady?" Claude smiled. 'Ew. What a creep' Anya thought to her
   Suddenly, someone barged in. It was.. Damian? "HEY! You bastard, get off her!" Reluctantly, Claude finally let go of Anya's shirt. Anya quickly ran away, not wanting to see Claude ever again.

    However, every day, Claude would still try to make Anya fall for him. In the end, Anya kind of enjoyed his company. But while they were hanging out, there would always be a pair of hazel eyes glaring at them. Damian.

    One day, Damian just couldn't take it anymore. He HAD to confess. One day, he finally found her in the library studying for another stella. God, she looked so cute when she was focused. He walked up to her and whispered, "Listen here shrimp, I..." However, he could not bring himself to say those words. Instead, he said, "... Don't want to see you with Claude ever again!" Hearing this, Anya grinned. "Why? Jealous?" Damian blushed. "Am not!" but then, he also smiled warmly at her. "Wow. What a sight." Anya said. "Oh, shut up!" Damian replied back.

      Seeing the girl he loved tease him, he simply could not control himself anymore. He put his face close to hers, placed his hand on her cheek and whispered in her ear, "May I?" As soon as Anya smiled at him, he took his shot. It was the most amazing kiss they both ever had, and it was their first too.

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