Chapter Six: Suburban Taylor Swift

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"Ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Heavier footsteps approached from the staircase and Ruby gasped slightly. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything, ladies?"

Only Beth didn't look surprised as Rio stalked down the stairs, just pursing her lips as he patted her shoulder and flicked the magazines out of his way to lean against the counter.

Alexa nodded slowly, finally recognizing the guilt Beth had been poorly hiding. "Oh. So this never was a choice, was it."

"I'm sorry." Beth didn't back down. "Ruby and Annie agreed. We need this."

"I don't remember agreeing to invite gang-friend over for girls' night," Ruby said. "Keep that in mind when he shanks us."

Rio laughed, looking unnaturally good-natured. "Nah, nah. I'm lookin' forward to our partnership, s'all. Couldn't resist it when Beth messaged me."

"Yeah, and when did she text you, again?" Alexa's teeth were gritted, glaring at Beth.

"After we got back yesterday."

"Wait, you've been planning this since the warehouse?" Alexa snapped. "What happened to Miss Recordless Suburban Mom?"

"She left a long time ago."

"Easy there, miss Taylor 'Look What You Made Me Do' Swift." Annie gave a wry smile to her sister.

Rio waved his hand slightly, resting his face in his other palm and running his hand over his jaw. "Can I say something?"

"No!" Annie and Beth shouted, glaring at each other.

"Yes," Alexa said.

"Please," Ruby hastily added.

"Here's the thing; I don't give a shit about your PTA drama. So, are we on for pick up in two weeks?"

"I- Yes," Beth nodded.

"Ha. I wasn't asking you, was I?" He ran his finger over his jaw, then pointed it at Alexa. "Who's the boss, again?"

Alexa sighed, muttering under her breath, "Well, fuck me."

"That means yes." Annie stomped Alexa's foot under the table. "Respectfully."

"Hmm, yeah," he said, leaning across the counter and squinting slightly. "Yeah, I didn't really get the message. Who's the boss again?"

Alexa rolled her eyes, giving a smile through bared teeth. "You. You are, Rio."

He grinned, slumping back in his seat and stretching his arms behind his head. "That's what I thought." He pushed himself up from his chair. "Let's get to work, ladies."

[A/N] This isn't my favorite chapter and it's nowhere as long as the others, but I'm not quite finished with the next chapter and didn't want to leave this without an update. Stay posted for a longer chapter in the next couple days!

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