What Happened to Us, Maya?

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Credits: This work was written exclusively by @of-scars-and-roses (me!)

She missed her.

This wasn't the first time, of course, there have been countless days and nights she's had the blonde on her mind. But it's been months since Riley Matthews had said a word to Maya Hart, who chose an Arts and Humanities-focused college across the country rather than one nearby. It was an odd choice to stay the least, but she packed her things and said her goodbyes to her loved ones before she went off, a free spirit ready to own her world.

It felt too sudden, one of the first jolts in their friendship, though there's no way of telling when the cracks began to show. The Maya she knew would never leave so far away from the people she cared about because Maya was the most loyal person she knew. She put her friends' needs before her own yet without sacrificing her character. Has her dearest friend been lying to Riley her whole life, or was she too naive to see it?

She's heard of the stories. Friends being close when they're young, drifting apart in middle school before finally reaching high school, completing the four years that dictate the rest of your life. It was pressure. Life was full of pressure. A lesson that would hit her like a cascade of rocks. Friends in high school change the way you tackle the future, people change people is a mantra she repeats throughout the years. She thought she would have comfort in the same people, just for a little bit longer. They all needed each other to be the best people they could be. Who are you if not for your strong friendships? Besides, others didn't have an excuse, their friendship was probably not strong enough to face the road ahead.

Riley looked back on this thought and concluded that she was childish. Ignorant of the real truth in friendships. She realized that she could never treat her friends the same way again. If her soul-sister left, there was no telling who else could leave her life too. It's insane how one girl could change the way she will approach friendships for the rest of her life.

Maya's departure left a bitter taste in Riley's mouth. It felt like a major offense to her personally. While the rest of her friends and family celebrated Maya's acceptance, she secretly prayed that Maya would change her mind last minute, or that there had been some kind of mistake. Maybe, just maybe, it was fate for Maya to come along with Riley to her internship in London. They had talked about backpacking in Europe and this could have been their start.

"Come on Peaches, it's not too late to change your mind. I can send an email to Miss Soleright and she can find a spot for you too!" she gripped her friend's hands tightly, scared to let them go. There was a part of her that felt responsible for Maya's safety at all times. How could she protect her friend when she was off in another state doing who knows what? Her eyes pleaded all she could, a technique that has worked for Riley before. Every. Single. Time.

"I want to do my own thing now," she spoke, her final expression ever so composed. She gripped her suitcase, her following words coming out in a whisper. "Goodbye, Riles."

Her heart shattered. The whole world was spinning. It felt like a nightmare. She needed to wake up and be told that everything was gonna be fine. Maya was gonna come through the window like always she just needed to wake up and she'd be there-

"Riley, honey, she's off on her own journey," Topanga placed a resting hand on her daughter's shoulder. "And it's because of you. People change people. You helped her become her best self."

People change people. Hmph. The three words she didn't want to come out of her mother's mouth. It's not her fault Maya wanted to compromise their friendship, out of nowhere she just decided to leave far far away. It was completely random. She changed way too fast, it was unlike her. Unless...

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