Chapter Five

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Nico shook off the shivers with an ease born of practice, flecks of solid shadow shedding off his skin and quickly dissipating in the sunlight. The powerful warmth of the summer winds rushed into him all at once, a harsh breeze rolling through the suburban street. He tugged at his lapels as he examined the newfound world around him with a critical gaze. It was always a rush, falling into the shadows with nothing but a name and seeing where he came out.

He hummed again. Blue skies dotted with soft clouds were a stark contrast to the musty old house he was just in, but he couldn't say he liked the change in scenery. Far too bright.

"Not exactly... what I expected."

The houses around him were plain, boring, identical. This street reeked of monotony. Beiges and whites dominated the street, a perfectly trimmed lawn beneath him and carefully clipped bushes surrounding him. There wasn't as much as a dead leaf to be seen.

His shadows seemed to have deposited him in the corner of someone's manicured lawn. He brushed off the darkness still weakly clinging to him, stepping away towards the pavement with light steps. Best to act natural for now. Sure, he might've been the littlest bit dramatic when he left Grimmauld Place, but he knew Annabeth could handle it. But dealing with mortals mad at him for walking on their lawn was a whole other battle, and it wasn't one he wanted to face today.

Now, what was it? Right - Number Four Privet Drive, the old lady'd said. What a mundane name. Though it was perfect for as quiet and sterile a place as this, he supposed. Glancing at the silent villa behind him, Nico squinted. There was a number embossed in silver next to the door - a six? Yeah, that was a six. His eyebrows furrowed together in consternation. He was pretty close, but still a few houses off.

Shadow travel was precise, yes, but not infallible. But he had been getting better, hadn't he? He had to get better. He never wanted to lose again. Not in a fight, and he didn't want to lose someone else either. He had to be strong enough and skilled enough to protect those he'd loved, and to never again fail. Never.

Enough about that, though. He sighed to himself, eyes downcast. Enough about that.

Now then, he had to move and get his mind running along a different track. But where to? Alright - hm. To get to Number Four, he supposed he would have to head left, towards the main street where cars rumbled past and the faux serenity of this street died thunderously.

Nico groaned mentally as he turned his thoughts towards his duty. Just great. The fun part of his job was already over. All he had to do now was grab the brat and drag him back to Grimmauld Place. And he already had a fair guess as to how 'fun' that would be.

Seriously now, wasn't this type of thing a little bit below their paygrade? He's not one to be egocentric, no. That's more for the other Big Three kids. But still, it seems strange to him.

Sure, this place had mysteries. Things that had caught his interest. Lots of them. Mister Black. Whatever the hell he had hidden in his house. The reek of death that permeated every single person here, the unnatural sense of unease, the sense of walking in a world whose gods had died long ago. He had more questions than he expected to.

Yet the fact remained that the man they were facing was probably less dangerous than most of the monsters they fought. It was just... boring.

He had a few guesses as to how the bastard'd survived death, but nothing substantial - guess one, these wizardfolk didn't actually kill him, they just thought they did. Hades hadn't said a thing about a wayward soul named Tom Riddle, and he usually kept Nico up to date on these types of things. Guess two, the man somehow tricked and evaded Thanatos. Unlikely. Guess three, he actually escaped the Underworld. More common than one would think, but again, Nico would've been informed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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