Why are they here..AND WHO CHANGED MY NAME?

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Everyones online

Captain America: Avengers, why are there DC, Star Wars and Transformers on the chat?

Optimus: we are here because we are saving the universe.

Darth Vader/Joker/Loki/Megatron: not everyone!


Joker: its our job to make you suffer

She-Flash: that's it

She-Flash has removed all Villains from the chat

Flash: that's my sis

She-Flash: yup

Iris: I know I know I'm not a hero but I'm on here I'm Flash's and She-Flash's step sister

She-Flash: Hey Iris!!! Hey Captain why are you so stressy some times?

Captain: SHUT UP Miss Allen

She-Flash: Oi don't call me by my surname I can lap circles around you and you may be strong but you have to catch me to do anything

Captain: I'll just tell Fury your being an idiot and to kick you out of S.H.I.E.L.D

Fury: tell me what?

Everyone(but Fury): nothing

Fury: I don't believe you

Bumble Bee: well if I don't mind saying but two of your people were having an argument

Fury: who is that?

She-Flash: oh yeah the chat is with us and DC and star wars and transformers

Optimus: The child is telling the truth. I will not hurt you we are here to help

Drift: yes we are here to help not hurt

Hound: ye

Aideen Child: heloooooooooooo people and robots and other beings.....HAS ANYONE SEEN MY STEP-BROTHER?????

Batman: No. I dont like your brother. he is evil and stupid and he is evil.

Joker/Aideen Child: STEP-BROTHER!!!

She-Flash: HEY! I thought i removed all of the villains....

Every Single Good-Guy and Auto-Bot in the all the realms: YEAH!

Joker: um.......

The Joker has for some reason logged off and mysteriously vanished......

Fatman: My job here is done....

Fatman: WHO CHANGED MY NAME!?!?!?!??!!

Krypto: He He He...

Aideen Child: YASS GRL *high-fives*

Fatman: Is Feeling Annoyed

Joker: IM BACK!

Everyone: eh.

Plant-woman: >:) Mwahahahahaha....

Plant-woman: wait. who changed my name?!?!

Aideen Child: ok, that one was me.....But i couldnt think of anything other than that or.....that or Flower-Power

Plant-woman: wow.

Superman: Aideen, stop being such an indiot. You to Krypto.

Aideen/Krypto: :(

Krypto: Ya love me really ;)

Joker: im still here you know.....

Everyone including the rest of the villains: we dont care.

Everyone exept the Joker has logged off

Joker: Well arent i loved..... :'(

Joker: Feeling un-loved

Aideen Child has logged back on

Aideen Child: I 'll always love you in a kind of brotherly/sisterly way :)

Aideen Child has logged off again

Joker: :)YAY!!!

Joker: Im a loner again.....

The Joker has logged off to go and try to be evil but will probably fail