Just a little wholesome thing before we start the uh "tomtord series"

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No ones pov: It was a normal day. Tom and tord are married well i don't know
How they got together but hey don't question my au ok? oKay?? Good, Tom FINALLY woke up from his deep DEEP sleep.
Tom: mmmff..what time is it..
----- tom checks the time on the phone
Toms mind: SH1T 7:30? damn.. i slept that deep did I?, Well im hungry im gonna go eat..
--tom went to the kitchen and saw tord cooking.
Tord: finally awake love?
Tom: shut up..
Tord giggled
-----Tord served tom bacon with eggs and corn beef and well of course rice!
Tom: damn that's delicious.
Tord giggles
Tord: of course it is.
---tom pictured the (yummy delicious like slay) food
Tord: hurry and eat, it's gonna get cold.
-tord went over to tom and gave tom a kiss on his cheek
Tom: heh, i know.
---tom ate the food
Tord: where are you going now, love?
Tom: idiot, to work.
--- tord gave tom a goodbye kiss
Tord: good luck love.
Tom: Yeah.
-tom kissed tord on the lips
Tom: bye love.
Tord: WAIT! you better not be drinking now you Jehova-that is already a old name i used to call you, WELL- ugh .. dumbass.
Tom: heh, i won't stupid communist.
(End, Yeah i know its short remember this is my first Wattpad..shit maybe doing more 👀)

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