Chapter 2 - A Reason to Protect

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"Yeah...get her to the medical transport...I've done all...I..."

Yukio said as he fell to his knees.


Both June and Amagi exclaimed as they tried to help him up.

"I'm fine...just a bit fine...Medics...!"

Yukio called out as they attended to him.

"The girl over there, get her immediate medical care, now..."

Yukio ordered as the Medics nodded and went to the girl's aid.

"Excuse me, but we need you to come with us, we need to make sure there is no residual honkai energy within your body..."

One of the medics said as a few more brought the stretcher.

"A-Alright...wait, why am I naked...and why do I..."

Ran said feeling tired for some reason.

"That man over there performed an emergency surgery on you to remove the honkai energy within your body."

They explained as they got her on the stretcher.

"W-Wait, does that mean he..."

Ran said with a blush on his face.

"Don't worry, he's a professional, he won't have those kind of thoughts when saving other people's lives, that's what makes him a knight after all."

They explained as they carried Ran into an ambulance.

"W-Wait, can my friends visit...?"

Ran asked.

"Of course, we'll prepare them with their respective visitation passes so they can visit you anytime."

One of the medics said as they closed the ambulance door and began to drive to St. Freya's medical department to receive immediate treatment.

"Let's go...if there are more casualties, I need to treat them...I have no time to rest...!"

Yukio exclaimed as he somehow got his feet under him and disengaged his gauntlets as it floated near his arms.

"Yukio Kasai."

Amagi said as she had an angry look on her face.

"Although you are one of the best medical students we have in St. Freya, you are to not strain yourself, so stand down, that's an order."

Amagi said as she walked passed Yukio and June as Yukio gripped his fists.

"I know how you feel, but go to the medical transport, get yourself treated, Yukio..."

June said as Yukio walked to the first aid area where he got a check up.

"Two broken ribs, a strained knee, bruises on my left arm, and my left arm has a monteggia fracture."

Yukio calmly stated as he looked at the two medics and went into the carrier.

"He calmly said all his injuries...and just brushed it off like it was nothing..."

The medic said as he was astounded with Yukio's calm demeanor.

"Let's just get him patched up...he suffered the most damage out of everyone after taking a direct hit from a Legatus..."

Another medic said as they just sighed.

After a few hours, June received his treatment as he was out of his room to get a drink from the vending machine.

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