Hello Little Witch

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Bonnie leans against the door with a fond smile on her face when she sees that her daughter is still sleeping.

After taking a picture(for future embarrassment if her daughter ever brought anyone over), Bonnie walks over to Hope's bed and shakes her tired daughter's shoulder.

"Sweetie," she begins, trying to lull Hope to come back into the world of being awake, "It's time to get ready for school."

Hope grumbled at being woken up, "Mom, can't I skip? Only for today!"

Bonnie only shook her head, "You only have to suffer through one more day and then you can sleep as much as you want in the summer holidays,"

As a response, Hope pulled the covers over her head.

Shaking her head, Bonnie began to walk out of the room and announced, "It's a shame you're not getting out of bed. I guess that means I have to finish all the vampcakes by myself."

At hearing a thud, Bonnie tried to keep herself from bursting out loud when she turned to see her daughter wrestling with the blanket - an indication that her daughter had fallen out of bed.

Downstairs, Bonnie hums as she places the finishing touches on her work document and saves it before closing the laptop.

Pride shows on her face in the form of a smile as she looks down at the golden logo of the suitcase in front of her: The Forbes Boarding School for the Young & Gifted printed on it.

They won, Bonnie thought almost giddily before the darkness in her mind grabbed at her thoughts, they were the last ones left.

At hearing tiny footsteps coming down the stairs, Bonnie stood up and turned around so she could recollect herself.

Her daughter did not need to see the weak creature that replaced her mother.

Hope squealed at seeing her mom's famous vampcakes on the kitchen table.

"I love you, mom," Hope said as she devoured her breakfast.

Bonnie only let out a chuckle at turning around to see her daughter's mouth full of vampcakes, "I love you too, honey."

While Bonnie wiped away the mess on Hope's cheeks, Hope asked, "Mom, what are you doing to do today?"

Bonnie replies, " I have to return the documents that I borrowed from the Armoury and after that, it's just boring paperwork."

Hope scrunches her nose at the word 'work' and replies, "I guess that even when you're an adult, you still have to do your homework," making Bonnie chuckle at her daughter's antics and kissing her forehead.

Time Skip:

After a car drive, filled with the girls having their morning karaoke routine, Hope screeched with joy at seeing her cousins, Lizzie and Josie, when they arrived at her school.

Caroline Forbes chuckled as she came to Bonnie's side, "The girls saw each other yesterday."

Bonnie raised an eyebrow and teasingly remarked back, "I still have bruises from the times you tackled me even though you saw me the day before."

The blonde narrowed her eyes at Bonnie before wiggling her fingers, "Here's the only warning you're going to get Bon. Get ready for a Baroline Hug!"

Then before she knew it, Bonnie was tackled to the floor with Caroline laying on top of her and the girls giggling from above her.

Caroline sat up after enjoying the few moments of being in Bonnie's arms and then offered a hand to Bonnie.

Hiding a wince, Bonnie took Caroline's offered hand and asked, "Baroline?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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