What the hell-? (kinda on crack)

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Errors pov

God damn, this music is interuppting my work. There's always this music playing, it's like soft and happy, but with a darker undertone. I kinda like it.

"UghHhHhHhHh" I groan, "WhY aM i OnLy MaKiNg YeLlOw ScArVeS!?"

"Hello there Error!"

Pshshshshehhdvh excuse me what the hecken hekkers- oh it's just Berry-

"HeLlO bErRy"

"What're you working on?"

"AnOtHeR sCaRf"

"Why are all of them yellow-" Berry asks, seeing a bunch of yellow scarves everywhere, draped from strings, in little piles, etc.

"My StRiNgS oNlY wAnT tO bE yElLoW rIgHt NoW i GuEsS-" I sigh.

Berry's pov

So much yellow- it's weird. There's only one sans I can think of who wears yellow- Dream.

Prologue, book idea from Firehedgehog AGAIN WOOOO
Signing off at 127 words.

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