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Hi, I'm y/n. I'm a 28 year old singer and book writer who grew up in schools for rich or famous family's. My parents were quite wealthy, but I never got to see them. I was raised by maids and butlers. But, one day in high school I meet a girl named Emmeline. She was a few years younger than me and likes to keep her last name private because apparently her parents are really famous, but I never really cared. She's a sweet woman who has a career in modeling. We practically raised each other because her parents were always traveling for their movies, and my parents were always working. We bonded over that and became basically sisters.


"GIRL WAKE UP!" Emmeline screamed shaking me awake. "What Emme.." I said tiredly rubbing my eyes. "MY PARENTS ARE COMING HOME FOR A MOUTH!!" She excitedly screamed. "That's great Ems!" I smiled. "YOU CAN FINALLY MEET THEM!" She said. I smiled. "Really? You're gonna let me meet them?" I said suprised. "Well they have to meet who raised me while they were gone!" She said. "Wow! That's great. When are they coming?" I said. "Tomorrow!" She said. "They said they are super exited to meet you!" She smiled. "That's awesome. I'm exited to meet them too." I said getting up. I sat on the couch and played my favorite movie, American psycho. "Why do you like that dumb movie so much." She yelled from the nearby kitchen. "The acting is awesome, I love horror movies, it's funny, and the main character is hot. How much better can you get!" I said turning up the volume slightly. I could basically hear her roll her eyes behind me. "He is not hot, he's ugly in my opinion. And plus he's an old man." She said standing behind the couch. "You just say that because your boyfriend looks like Paul Allen." I said smiling. She rolled her eyes again and put her hands on her hips. "Plus that movie is super weird! Patrick is a rich weirdo who spends his time listening to weird music, snorting coke, and killing girls!" He said defensively. I dramatically gasped. "Weird music?! The 80's was the best decade for music! Your crazy!" I said smiling. "Whatever, anyways breakfeast is on the table. I have a photo shoot today so I need to go, remember to take the trash out instead of watching Christian bale movies all day." She said taking the keys of the wall. "Understood! Love you ems!" I said turning back to the tv. "Hate you too (nickname)!" She said walking out the door.


Later that day I had to go to an interview for my newest album, "fame". It talked about how fame and money has ruined my life, but also made it better. The first part of the album was about how my parents abandoned me and I grew up alone, scared someone was going to use me for my status. The second part of the album was about how it made me meet my best friend, and helped me build my dream carrier. When I got to the interview they started asking me the regular questions like "who inspired you to make this song" and "what has it been like with all of these new supporters?" But suddenly the woman asked a strange question. "Do you have any love interests, or crushes?" I awkwardly smiled. "Not really right now, Darla." I said. "What about any celebrity crushes? You have to have one!" She said pushingly to give the fans what they want. I grinned. "Well, promise you won't laugh." I said sitting up. "Of course not!" she said. "Well, it's my favorite actor, Christian bale." I said laughing a bit. She gasped and smiled at the camera. "You heard it here guys! Y/n likes Christian bale! A popular actor!" She said. I laughed a little more and looked up at her. "Just a little crush, he is married after all. And WAY out of my league." I said smiling at her. Man, I love interviews.

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