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Talking: "Hurry up police girl"


Thinking: (it was the fuckin nazis)

Level 1: "Three. Two. One. Release!"

Level 0: "When hope is gone undo this lock and send me forth on a moon lit walk"

A/n: And the prologue is here boys the moment you all been waiting for the moment I cut off your mum's nipples and turn into a Werther's original HAHA! NOW ENJOY THE CHAPTER!


In the year 1893 the streets were terrorized by all manner of monster that would feast upon human blood and flesh or commit other depraved acts but there was one creature that stood out among the rest he had many names the no life king, The emperor of blood, The king of vampires, But many called him........

Dracula who at this very moment was roaming the country side of England but the count was not looking for some poor soul to sink his fangs into no, He was searching for a monster a werewolf to be specific one of significant power and earned the tittle of white wolf, Which is why the count intended to test her power and then it hit him the smell, The smell of blood, The smell of flesh beginning to rot,  The smell of death.

And that's when he saw her the woman who would one day be known as the queen of wolves, The one who would become his queen sitting up on a cliff with the radiant light of the full moon shining down on her in all her vicious beauty and she grinned showing her razor sharp fangs "So your dracula huh? I thought you'd be some shriveled" She questioned and dropped a decapitated head dowm to the count who promptly caught it "And your that mutt I head so much about" The werewolf hopped down from the cliff landing right Infront of the count

"Your pretty ballsy for a blood sucking creep" the two prepared for battle but a crossbow bolt came flying between them but surprisingly they both caught it and turned to see a group of monster hunters "You led them to my den you asshole!" She growled and rushed the hunters who either met a gruesome end by claw or teeth, Dracula smiled until he realized the sun was beginning to rise and retreated to the shade under a tree, Soon she finished slaughtering the hunters and approached dracula "Your an idiot ya know that? Isn't the sun a big no no for you so how the hell do you not keep track of the time?" The count said nothing choosing to brood in silence "C'mon you stupid blood sucker also the name is Elina remember that cause it'll be the last one you hear"

Dracula scoffed and all but reluctantly followed Elaina although he couldn't help but sneak a look at her after all she was only wearing a heavily torn dress that only covered the important bits but he would soon find out that Elina would keep her promise since she turnt back and grabbed dracula by the neck and threw him into a dark cave "I told you not to stare" Elaina walked into the cave and saw Dracula dusting himself off "When the sun goes down I want you gone and don't even think about drinking my blood"

And from this small chance encounter began a terrifying yet beautiful friendship that soon became something more intimate



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