"A kiss to shatter the world"

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The next few days the tensions were running high in the Dream Team household. George was doing any- and everything to avoid not only Dream but Daniel as well. Because where Daniel was, Dream wasn't far. After a few days of this game of hide and seek that no one knew they were playing, Sapnap decided he had enough of it and paid George a visit in his room.

"Hey" Sapnap lets his body drop heavily onto the foot of George's bed, watching the older scroll on his phone.

"What do you want?" George mumbles, only throwing a quick glance to the man before letting his eyes dash back to his screen.

"Nothing, just wanna talk" he answers, crossing his hands underneath his head.

"Well I have nothing to talk about" George huffs, this time not even lifting his eyes from the device in his hand.

"Oh not to worry Georgie, I have something I wanna talk about" Sapnap now sits back up, staring down at the brunet and expecting him to listen now.

"Ugh fine but make it quick" George scoffs and throws his phone somewhere onto the bed while he sits up.

"Okay okay." Sapnap starts, lifting his hands in a defensive stance. He takes a breath in before starting to speak, "It's just that you've been so distant, with all of us and I wanted to ask what that's all about" with these words spoken, George's cocky attitude dropped. His shoulders slumped and his head hung even lower than it had before.

"Does it have to do with what Dream's mom talked to you about?" He asks, trying to find eye contact where none was given.

George nods, head still hung low, eyes studying the ground beneath his feet.

"What-" the younger pauses briefly, "what did she talk to you about?" His voice is quiet now, sincerity coating his tone as he noticed the emotions that this brought over George.

The other slowly moves his head upwards, small tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. A quick hand wipes over his face, before he clears his throat and starts talking.

"She- she said I shouldn't hurt him." The tears well back into his eyes immediately, making his voice shake slightly, "Said that if I don't have feelings for him, I should tell him, let him down easy so he doesn't expect something that won't happen."

Sapnaps face falters a little as he listens to the words spoken. He thinks for a second before carefully answering.

"And- and why do you avoid him now? Why not just tell him you don't have feelings for him?"

"Because-" the tears now flow heavier and his voice gets even more shaky as he tries to speak his truth. "Because-"

"Because?" Sapnap asks, watching the way George's teeth dig into his bottom lip.

"Damn it Sapnap because I do have feelings for him!" The older snaps, apologizing right away with a small "sorry".

"I think so anyway, '' George adds, still avoiding eye contact.

Sapnap looks defeated for a few seconds
Obviously he'd had suspicions and made jokes about the two but this, hearing it from George's mouth, this was different, it was real. He collects his thoughts, eyebrows pinching together in confusion before he speaks.

"You think? How do you not know if you like him?" His immaturity shone brightly through his questions. The confused look stayed on his face until George answered. Head dropping to his hand which was propped up on his thigh, he sighed deeply. The only positive side of his little outburst of snapping at Sapnap, was that the tears had lost their way down his cheeks. The anger had made his eyes dry, cleared his head somewhat and made him focused, so his biggest concern wasn't bawling his eyes out in front of one of his best friends.

Grow up, grow old, but let's do it together (Dnf Kidfic) Where stories live. Discover now