2 .healing old wounds

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Izuku's pov:
When I woke up the blindfold was gone and I was in an all white room. It smelled like disinfectant and window cleaner. And there was a constant beeping. I looked over to see a heart monitor, I only knew that because of TV shows I watched as a kid. It was loud. Everything was loud. But I tried to stay calm. I looked over to the other side to see 3 people. I tried to sit up but the fast motion made me dizzy and I started to fall. One woke up just in time to catch me .
Hawks: "Easy there feathers" I instantly recognized the voice from earlier and settled a bit
"Everything's so loud." I explained and the look on his face said that he expected something like this. He carefully sat me back on the bed and pulled out the headphones from before and gave them to me. At this point the other two were waking up. Both were about the same size as hawks. One had tons of burn scars and the other was in some kinda cocoon thing .
???"Hey kid, I'm, Toya Todoroki but you can call me Dabi and the caterpillar over there is eraserhead. How are you feeling?"
"Like I got hit by a train."
Eraserhead: "the meds will do that, don't worry it won't last to much longer" the way he worded it scared me 'won't last much longer ' I scrambled backwards folding my wings Infront of me like a fluffy shield.
Hawks: "now look what you've done. You've scared him half to death! Don't mind him feathers he's just like that ." He was much gentler with his words before I knew it I was inching closer to him. He seemed to notice and wrapped a flame colored wing around me ,sitting on the bed with me.
Hawks: "Call me Keigo, feathers."
"Ok" he reached over me and grabbed the blanket that was on the bed and wrapped me up in it carefully,he seemed to know that my wings were sensitive.
Keigo: "so feathers what are you doing up this early? " I looked at him confused, It had been a long time since I had used time to measure anything. Just as I thought that Dabi walked up and bonked Keigo on the head."hey, what was that for?"
Dabi: "you idiot, you said it your self how dark it was in the lab. HE DOESN'T HAVE A CIRCADIAN RHYTHM DUMBASS, NO SENSE OF TIME." His sudden burst of anger scared me causing me to shoot my wing out shoving him into the wall out of reflex. He got up and shot me a death glare ,I quickly tucked my wing back in and tried to hide in Keigo's feathers. I heard a soft "fuck" through Keigo's feathers and chuckle from Keigo and eraserhead. so I assumed it was safe to take a peak. Dabi was dusting himself off and starting to approach. I ducked back into to my feathery hideaway .
Dabi: "listen kid I'm sorry for snap'n , it's just that my nugget your hiding in was being a little.. well.. insensitive."
Keigo: "I'm being insensitive? What about yelling in a room with a traumatized kid with sensitive hearing?" Said the alleged chicken nugget with a chuckle.
Dabi was turning red at this point, I just couldn't hold back a giggle.
Eraserhead: "well sorry to interrupt but it is about time for recovery girl to check up on you. Is it ok if I turn on the lights?"
Keigo:"Wait a second eraser; here kid" he handed me a pair of sunglasses and I got the message. Eraserhead flipped the switch and the room was flooded with light . I was happy to have the sunglasses . And a woman on the older side walked in with a cane and a hand full of documents .
Recovery girl: "oh ! Your awake dear. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Well now that your awake would you like to see your results?"
"Results? From what?" I asked tilting my head to the side.
Recovery girl: "oh deary, your medical results,and quirk test."
I was stunned for a second, but my curiosity snapped me out of it "yes,mam" I responded.
Recovery girl fiddled with the documents before explaining that he was severely malnourished and his wrists would need to be wrapped for a while. but other than that he was free to go in a few days. What surprised him was his quirk or rather quirks. Not only did he have angle's blessing but he also had sensory enhancement and a type of solar regeneration ."but I only had angel's blessing before!" He said bewildered."that's the thing kid, we think they were trying to turn you into something" said Recovery girl "but that's not the only thing that's happening deary, you see your quirks are having a hard time... Adjusting to your body for all we know you could have more that haven't settled." This startled Izuku ,he didn't like the sound of that. As recovery girl finished her explanation Dabi looked at his watch and declared it 5:00 am "might as well grab some breakfast"
Keigo's pov: As soon as dabi mentioned food , feathers head shot up with a little squeak"food?" And my heart melted. How could one be so pure? "Hey feathers, what would you like to have? What's your favorite food?" I asked
"I don't know " he looked down as if guilty of something.
.....'oh no... This kid.. hasn't had good food in along time.. of course he doesn't know.'I mentally slapped myself.
"Well how would you like to come with us to get food" his head shot up . I could tell he was excited but fearful.
"R-realy, I can come?" He looked to Recovery girl and she gave a brief nod "you should be fine to leave the infirmary but be careful not to wander ." She said with all the care of a grandmother. It seemed to ease the young feathers as well. He was still tucked in my feathers when I realized that he didn't have shoes or good clothes for that Feathers was in only a hospital gown. I looked to Dabi and Azawa ,they got the message as I studied feathers. "Hold on I might have a spare change of clothes for Shinso that he might be able to fit in my bag." Azawa said sleepily. Pulling a duffle bag magically out of his sleeping bag he quickly grabbed a cheep sports shirt and a pair of shorts. The only problem was that , of course, feathers has wings. I was about to say something when Azawa grabbed his pocket knife and cut two large gashes in the back of the shirt. He walked over to me and feathers with the items and handed them to feathers ,Which flinched as the clothes were handed to him. Using my wings as curtains he changed into the clothes, having difficulty getting his wings in the shirt, I instructed him as smoothly as possible. Before he finally got his wings through. I got up from the bed and gestured for feathers to follow.

Izuku's pov:
The floor was cool on my bear feet but it wasn't cold like the 'lab' . Keigo make some kind of gesture that I guess meant to follow.
For some reason I felt like I could trust Keigo, it was if he was family. I followed him to the door before pausing. He stopped and looked back to me . Memories flooded my Brain, of the lab, the room the only times I had walked through a doorway was to get my blood drained and beaten. I shivered, I was trying to move forward but I was frozen."feathers are you ok? Take deep breaths." I hadn't even noticed that I was hyperventilating. My breath staggered as I fought from control of my own lungs. I took a step, barely out side of the door. "Thanks, K-keigo." I said still trying to breathe normally. Keigo walked back to me slowly and swatted in front of me "would you rather me Cary you? I would prefer you didn't catch a cold from bare feet anyways." He said with a smile. I gave him a small nod and he turned his back and allowed me to climb into the bridge between his wings . It reminded me of when I was little and got piggy back rides from my mom. It was comfy.
It didn't take long to get to the cafeteria. Dabi called out for someone named lunchrush as we entered. It smelled amazing there. My mouth was already watering.
Keigo: "anything catch your eye feathers? " Pointing to an electronic board 
I was in love with the smell of  waffles in the room so told Keigo. But I was surprised that I still remember how to read .
"Can I have some waffles?" I asked weakly my voice still foreign in my throat.
Lunch rush:"Coming right up" somehow he had the food ready in seconds. My wings trembled in excitement. Keigo gently set me down at a table and placed my food right in front of me. I looked back at him
Keigo: "who are you waiting on feathers? Dig in!" He said playfully.
It was the best thing I had ever tasted. The waffles seemed to melt into flavors of warm vanilla and maple. And the food was piping hot to. Truly a blessing from whatever gods are out there.
Maybe I could trust the people here.
Maybe they could be family.
My family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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