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- Loves them.
- any chance he has he will kiss somewhere.
- gives you lots of kisses, happy to have a girlfriend. (You being his gf is a bonus)
- loves to kiss your lips.
- he will cup your face or grab your chin before kissing you.

- enjoys them
- Nervous about kissing.
- likes to kiss your hand or cheek.
- eventually got the courage to kiss you on the lips, no regrets of doing so.
- quick kisses or 5 second kisses, depending on how affectionate he's feeling.

- loves them.
- enjoys the attention.
- mostly kisses your cheek or hand.
- enjoys when you kiss his lips, but you have to make the first move.
- very shy to kiss anywhere within the first week of dating.

- LOVES them.
- surprise kisses.
- loves to kiss your neck or lips.
- does bite.
- kiss you every chance he's got.
- sometimes you have to remind him not to kiss you at all during class.

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