Chapter 26: No Name💚

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A/n-(I'm actually gonna have chapter 25 be kentrell's dream while he was in a coma but jayda did have the baby)

February 16
Monday 9:00am

February 16Monday 9:00am

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"So what's his name?" Nisha asked me

I just gave birth to my son and I don't know what I was going to name him because I don't know who his father is

I sighed before answering "well I don't know, I'll pick it out once I get the dna test results"

"And that will be when kentrell gets better?" She asked

"Yea" I said "or I can just ask Dominique to do it and if it's negative then I will know it's kentrell's" i said

"Ok text him" nisha said

I gave my baby to Nisha so I can text Dominique


Hey I just had the baby and I was wondering if you could come to the hospital to get a dna test

Time skipped:

"Did he text back yet?" Nisha asked

"Girl no" i said

"Well who do you think the baby daddy is?" Nisha asked

"Kentrell" i said

"Why?" Nisha asked

"Cause if it's not he gon kill me" i said and me and Nisha laughed

"Girl you better figure it out" she said getting up and grabbed her purse "I'm going to see how's kentrell doing I'll be back to see my lil dontrell"

I laughed "Nisha get the fuck on"

That's when the nurse started to talk "baby daddy issues huh?"

I turned my head quick because I didn't know she was in here

"What?" I said

"Baby daddy issues" she said with a big smile

What in the hell is wrong with her
I thought to myself

"You can kinda say that" I said

"Yea I had that too" she said sitting down on my bed

"Umm mama don't you got a job to be doing" I asked her

"Yea but they don't want me to help out" she said with a smile I nodded awkwardly

I guess she understood that I didn't want to talk to her because she got up and left out the room

I then layed down closing my eyes

Time skipped:

I woke up to a text


Sorry for the late response ma but can't right now I'm on tour but Imma let you know when I can do it

I read the message and felt relief that he isn't doing too much

Ok just lmk when you in Louisiana


I then closed my eyes again until a nurse walked in

"Hello" she said

She was a different nurse thank the lord

She was a older black nurse she is my favorite one

"How have you been feeling today?" She asked

"I'm doing fine" i said

"Well I don't mean to bug you but have you thought about a name for him yet?" She asked

I sighed "I don't know my boyfriend is in the hospital and my other maybe baby daddy is somewhere on tour so I can't get a dna test" i said

She nodded "well what do you want to name the baby?" She asked me

"I haven't really thought about that" i said

"Well before you let somebody else decide for you, you should know what you want" she said and gave a smile

"Thank you" i said

"Your welcome baby" she said going towards the door "your getting discharged tomorrow and I'm not going to be here so give me a call and tell me when you name that baby"

"Ok" i said laughing and she laughed and left


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