1 - Waiting

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You paced around your office, anxiously waiting for the news.

Eight steps, turn, eight steps, turn. Over and over. You are waiting, though you're beginning to grow impatient. How much longer?? It couldn't take a demon of all things so long to get one piece of information, could it? You decide to find yourself a distraction. It's what your mother had always said to do with boredom.

You looked outside your window and observed the forest that resided behind your manor. Dead. Covered in fog and barely visible. Even more boring than waiting. Your eyes move around the room. Oak desk, paperwork, green chair, green carpet. Boring, boring, windows, more green, more boredom. What was wrong with this place? So... gloomy. There was a knock at the door.

"My liege? May I enter?" Your butler asked, finally. He came just in time. You'd been waiting for what felt like hours, and had started contemplating breaking things. You granted permission and he stepped inside. You stared, expecting him to talk like usual. But no. Silence.

"Well?!" You snapped, quick to anger. What was his deal today?

"I'm realising that perhaps the situation is a bit tender, considering you and Lord Phantomhive are so... alike. I believe you should rethink this before we begin our plan." He smiled at you in the same way he always had, though his demonic features almost seemed softer. Impossible, considering the only thing this demon wanted was your soul. Though, you could pretend his kind would ever care for a human for a moment. What a silly thought, hm?

You ran your hands through your hair, realizing just what he had said. Smiling through a mask of fury to keep yourself maintained. You are noble, after all. The masters of masking. Why this makes you angry? You were not sure, though it's best to trust yourself in situations such as these.

"Well, I've obviously already thought this through if I asked you to get me the information, right??" You asked, showing a tint of your anger. You released the clenched fists you had made out of instinct and sat in your desk chair. The butler nodded his head, keeping his eyes on you.

"Yes, my lord. Of course. Ciel Phantomhive is having a masquerade on the 13th of November. We shall enter then and retrieve that item you... so desperately desire." He bowed and left the room without another word.

I'd like to note something. The terms Master and Lord are both gender-nuetral. If such terms make you uncomfortable, feel free to read them as Mistress/Lady. I've made the reader as neutral as I could, and this was the best I could do.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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