Scarred -Liam Payne Fan Fiction-

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~Ella's Pov~

"Please Don't Hurt me" I whimpered to my father who was standing over me. Anger clear in his eyes. He picked me up by my hair, i winced at the amount of pain that rushed through my body. He threw me onto the lounge and started hitting me numerous amount of times, across the face, in the stomach and on my back. I cried out in pain even though i knew it would cause more pain, and it did. My father started kneeing me in the stomach. But then he picked me up and carried me roughly towards my room. He grabbed some tape and put it over my mouth. He grabbed some rope and tied me up so i couldn't move. I was scared. He then started to remove my clothing. I cried and cried as i realised what he was about to do. He was about to rape his own daughter.

I woke up in pain. I wasn't tied up anymore and i was covered in clothing. He covers me up after he rapes and abuses me, he makes me sick. I looked down and saw the blood that was now dried up. I couldn't be here anymore. I had to leave before i get hurt. I had a quick shower before grabbing my phone, ipod, clothes and headphones and putting them into a little backback. I counted the money that i had saved up and there was a total of three hundred dollars. I looked at my face through the mirror and saw i had a black eye and a busted lip. I would fix it, but i have to leave before my father comes home and repeats his daily routine of harming me.

My name is Ella Scott and i am 18 years of age. Im pretty short and i have long brunette hair with blue eyes that change into different shades. I have been abused by bullies at school. They used to not only mentally or emotionally hurt me, they physically hurt me and that caused me to hurt myself. When i would get home from school i would get abused by my father and then last night he did something i would never imagine, he raped me. Ever since my mother died when i was 9 years old my father has been abusive. I was always scared of him. the look of anger that flashes through his eyes everytime he looked at me made me shudder. But here i am running away from my father and i have no idea where i am going. I live in the middle of london where the streets are really busy. I don't care who sees me in this state, but i need to get away from my father as soon as possible.

As i ran down the street, memories of times when my father used to punch, hit and kick me and i used to scream in pain. All of the times my father used to tell me i am worthless and useless. But the worst thing about it all is i think i am worthless and useless. Well i don't think, i know. I still had tears streaming down my face at the amount of pain there was in my legs and the pain of the memories. As i went to lift my head i fell into something, or should i say someone. My eyes widened at the sight of the boy i used to know so well. Even though he had changed i could see it through his eyes that it was him. I couldn't let any words out.

"Ella, i missed you so much." He said enveloping me into a hug and i stayed like that, crying into his shoulder. We pulled away from the hug and looked me dead in the eye.

"Who did this Ella?" I couldn't reply, i was still in a shock state and the lump in the back of my throat i could feel growing. "Who did this to you Ella?!" He said with a bit more tone in his voice. He shook me softly.

"D-da-d di-d it Har-ry" I stuttered out.


A/N - Hello guys. Umm yeah this is my story. I hope you like it. It is a story about my life. well not the abusive bit but how i feel in general at times. But if you are ever going through a rough time i can always talk to you. xx


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