Chapter 1 -

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Harry eyes went wide and he couldn't say or do anything. when he finally snapped out of his mood he grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him. His green eyes were so familiar and his curliy hair was too. He was Harry Styles from Holmes Chapel. I used to live in Holmes Chapel until my mum died. Harry and I were unsepreable and we just had this amazing friendship that couldn't be broken. He is like my older brother and im like his younger sister. He enveloped me into a hug causing my tears to pour out again. We pulled away and Harry grabbed his thumb and wiped my tears away. He grabbed my hand and said things to me i wasn't expecting.

"You can come live with me please, I don't want you roming around London by yourself and i most definatly want to protect you from your father. I missed you so much when you were gone, i cried myself to sleep everynight for about a year. Please you have to live with me, it's the least i can do" He pleaded.

"But you live with Louis, i don't want to ruin your friendship" I said. He shook his head.

"Louis won't care at all and i live with all the boys they will be happy to have you stay with us" He said. I smiled a bit but then frowned.

"But they will feel sorry for me because i am hurt and bruised and everything along those lines Harry, i don't want to be that attention seeking girl. I just want to be me" I said.

"Ok we wont treat you differently. Ella please" He pleaded.

"Fine" i said. He smiled grabbing my wrists which pain instantly took over my arm, but i didn't let him know because i didn't want him to know about my self harm. Harry Styles has been my bestfriend since I was in Holmes Chapel. Before my mum died harry and I were inseperable. I haven't seen hime for almost 10 years and now he's taking me into his house.

About a fifteen minute walk we were at Harry's house and i was suddenly becoming nervous. 

"We will walk in and i will take you straight to the bathroom to get you cleaned up and i will check out your bruises and everything okay" Harry sternly said to me. I looked up to see him looking me in the eyes. I nodded and he turned around and opened the door. 

"Hey Harry" A male spoke, i kept my head down as Harry took me into the bathroom shutting the door behind him. He sat me up onto the bathroom bench and looked at my face intently. He brushed his fingers lightly over under my eye causing me to wince in pain. He frowned slightly. He lifted my hoosie and shirt up slightly to look at my stomach which was covered in bruises from where my father would kick me in. He slightly gasped at the sight and he quickly layed me along the bathroom bench and walked out. He came back with a bottle of something and grabbed some toilet paper. As he poured some of the liquad onto the toilet paper he slightly placed it on some of the bruises on my stomach. I yelped in pain. 

"Sorry" He said. I shook my head with tears running down my face at the amount of pain that i had just recieved. He kept dabbing on the bruises causing the pain to increase rapidly. "I was cleaning all the cuts there and making sure they don't get infected" He said and for once in the past ten years, i gave someone a real smile. One that had been gone now for quite a while. 

~Harry Pov~

Her own father did that to Her. It is amazing how far someone will go to scar someones life. I couldn't let all my anger out infront of Ella. He bashed her up. Luckily he didn't do anything else to her. I was cleaning all her scars and cuts when i heard a knock on the bathroom door. I saw her tense and i calmed her down, knowing that if it was one of the boys there, then they wouldn't judge. 

"Who is it?" I called out. My voice was hurried.

"It's Liam" Liam's voice rang through. "Can i come in?" He asked. I quickly finished cleaning the cuts and covered them with bandages. Except for the ones on her face which i couldn't cover. I looked at her as she pulled her shirt down and then she nodded at me, practically telling me that it was ok to Let liam in. I walked over to the door and let him in. He walked in and looked around seeing Ella. He gasped silently and turned to me. 

"I came to see if you needed any help with her cuts and bruises." He asked. 

"Nope were done...How'd you know what was happening" I asked completely confused on how he knew.

"I saw you get the firstaid box Harry" He said and i just nodded.

"Oh..." I trailed off. 

"Im Ella" Ella said loudly. I was shocked that she said that out loud, let alone loudly. I think Liam was too. 

"Im Liam, Liam Payne" He said. They hugged and Liam made sure not to hurt her. Ella was practically my younger sister. If you hurt her, i would hurt you. "Are you staying here?" He asked. Ella Shook her head.

"No" We had this talk not even an hour ago. 

"Yes she is" I piped up. 

"No im not" Ella said. 

"Ella We had this talk. You are staying here, in this house. Got it?" I said. I didn't say it harshly. I just said it seriously. Liam had never seen me as the serious one. 

"Fine. But i have no clothes" She smirked. I smirked back. 

"I can have that sorted" She cursed. I ran out of the room and down the stairs. 

"TOMMO" I screamed from behind him. 

"Yes?" He asked. 

"I need to borrow your girlfriend" I said. Louis furrowed his eyebrows. 

"What for?" 

"Well she kind of needs to go shopping with me" I said. Louis laughed.

"What's Happening, who is that girl?" He asked.

"Her name is Ella and she needs to stay here. I will tell you the story later. Please Boobear?" I asked him. 

"Okay, i will call El. And im going shopping too." He said smiling and i nodded. I looked around and saw the other boys have left. Liam and Ella were still up the stairs so i walked up, two steps at a time. 

"I told you i would have it sorted" I smirked at Ella who was still sitting on the sink. Liam was sitting on the floor.  Ella rolled her eyes. 

Half an hour past and Liam had gone. Ella looked like she had to tell me something. 

"What do you want to say Ella?" I asked her. She looked at me with her blue eyes and brown hair. She looked so vulnerable and i knew that she was scared. She wanted to cry. The tears were forming and her breathing was going faster. "What is it Ella?" I asked again. 

She started crying and i froze completely after the four words were said in a silent, croaky and soft voice.

"He raped me Harry" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2013 ⏰

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