Tfa Optimus prime x Dread Trident of the Abyss reader

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You were the bottom of the ocean water sleeping as you open your eye lids to recover what happen the last few months and years then you remember something a long time ago or months you don't remember how long you have been asleep

Flashback that how you and sari first time met

You were sitting on the rock admiring the moon at the night sky as the water waves beneath under you you hold the spear tarot as the wind blows then you hear tiny footsteps behind you turn around and see a little girl red hair pigtails brown color skin and brown red whine color eyes

[???]: hello what are you sitting here all alone?

[Y/n]: just looking at the moon as admiring the stars what are you doing here child?...

[???]: we'll I come here a lot some times like a shooting star OH! And a meteor shower that shows to the sky!

You never heard of those things before the only admired the moon right in-font of you reminded an old friend of yours long time ago had be come the stars

[Y/n]: dear child do want to see something?

[???]: Yeah! I want to see something cool and awesome!

You pick up the small child in your arms as you rise the water with you spear tarot the girl in your arms amazed to see a woman who controls the whole ocean as the water rise higher and high as the blue water turns teal as you guys go slow forward and see the moon above you then something shoot at the night sky

[???]: OH OH! Look it's a meteor shower!

You saw the meteor shower right before your eyes and the child eyes have sparkles in them such excellent then you feel a tug on gloves and look at the child

[???]: hey uh miss is it will be cool what under water the ocean looks like

You nodded you rise the tarot spear as the water shaped into a circle and now it turn into a bubble as it float to you give it to the child as it put its head then the both of you go lower as the water tower slowly rise down then the child eyes was filled with stars she never see under water looks like you showed the beauty of this ocean the fishes star fish jellyfish and other sea creatures they lived in the sea then it is time to go you guys begin to rise up the shore of the ocean as the bubble popped you placed down the child down as you hear another voice calling them.

Before the child return she looked at you and smiled

[???]: Oh! I forgot to tell you my name is Sari see you later I will visit you!

[Y/n]: Remember me dear child my name is Y/n until we meet again

Sari has begin to visit at night every single day you guys started to know each other more often Sari see you as a mother figure and you see her a lost gem of yours nowhere to be found every time your eye lids slowly to lose vision sari has been worried that why you haven't been visiting her lately then you decided to talk with her

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