Chapter 1 Hi My Name Is Quilla

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Hi my name is Quilla, this is my story. Let's start from the begining. The earlyest memory I have is waking up in the nest, it felt like the most comfortable nest in the world, made out of twigs, feathers, and grass all woven together to make the nest warm and the walls high . The next thing I know my Mom is thowing me out of the nest shouting "come on you can do it! Just flap your wings!" I do what she says and the next thing I know I'm flying! It's so exciting, the air flowing through me feathers. I soon had to go back becuase I was so tierd and and my wings were sore. So I flew back to the nest and settled down and thought about how the world looked so diffrent when I was flying, and before i knew it I was asleep.

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