Chapter 1

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I keep my head down as drunken men stumble over each other,cheering loudly in celebration.There's always something going on,and I always get caught in the midst of it.

I shove my way through the crowd to a video game shop on the corner.It's very abandoned,with one old man behind the counter.He looks very sober,but I could be wrong.I gaze through the shelves when I run into someone,knocking me to the ground.I stumble over my words,"I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry.I-I..."

The person cuts off,"It was my fault,I'm terribly sorry." By their voice I can tell they've been in Ireland for a long time and that they're a man.I don't look at their face,but take their hand when they offer it to me.

I mumble,"Thanks." I rub the back of my neck and I could hear the person chuckle.

They laugh,"You don't need to be shy!My name's Sean,by the way.I,uh..." I look up at him,causing him to lose his thoughts. "I'm sorry,you're just so beautiful I...I..."

I giggle,"I'm not that cute,but thanks.Your not too bad looking yourself.I'm Alanna.Nice to meet ya Sean."

Sean's face immediately lights up as he continues,"You're buying Skyrim?I wanted to play it but I don't have enough money to get it.I only came here to avoid the drunks."

I grin,"Well,I,uh...yeah.I'm a gamer,but I was hoping not to get caught in the midst of drunks.They're crazy and,if you couldn't tell,I'm kinda shy."

He asks,"Why don't you come to my house and we can play together?I'll protect you from them."

I laugh,"Sure.That'd be cool." I pay for the game and we go out of the shop.As some man starts tumbling towards us,Sean wraps his arm around me and pulls me out of the way.We get into his car and he drives me to his place.

When he pulls into the driveway of a small cabin in the woods,I'm instantly regretting this decision.What if he tries to rape me...or worse,kill me?There's another car in the driveway,and I can tell that he's surprised to see it as well.

He mumbles under his breath,"Oh great,he's probably going to be trashed."

We go inside and laying on the couch is a man in a dressy outfit and a pink mustache. The man shouts,"JACKK!YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST COME HOME AND NOT EXPLAIN WHY YOU WERE OUT LATE TO WILFRED WARFSTACHE?!" From his voice,I can already tell he's very American.

Who is this guy and why did he call Sean Jack?I whisper,"Wilfred?"

Sean sighs,"That's his alter ego,his name is actually Mark.And Jack is kinda my alter ego.I have a YouTube channel named JackSepticEye." Sean turns to the man. "Mark,get up!How many beers did you have?"

Mark gets up,stumbling over his own feet,and exclaims,"I only had,like,four!"

Sean exclaims,"You know you're a lightweight!" With a groan,Sean carries the man upstairs.I hold my breath,staring after them,then decide to follow them.I could hear Sean muttering under his breath to Mark. "Come on Mark,I really like her.Please don't mess this up for me." I blush heavily and stumble down the steps.Sean rejoins me downstairs,smiling. "So,where were we?"

I smile,"Just about ready to play Skyrim,I do believe." He and I settle down on the couch,opening the game case and getting ready to play.He looks into a camera,earning a concerned glace from me.

Sean explains,"I'm gonna film this for my channel.I hope you don't mind." I nod lightly,smiling.He continues,slapping the top of the camera. "Top of the morning to you laddies,my name is JackSepticEye and I'm here with the beautiful Alanna.Today we are playing Skyrim."

We play for a while before we stop.He stops filming and we take the game out.I put it back in its case and he takes the camera somewhere.I follow after him,curious to see what he's doing.He edit's the footage and I watch,smiling.He turns around,smiling at me. "Just watching," I comment. "You look really happy when you edit.Your face lights up."

"Well yeah,I love making videos," He laughs lightly. "It makes me happy knowing I can make people happy with a video that might not be that long.It makes me feel good."

I step up next to him,looking at his subscriber count I see that his has a little over three million subscribers.I smile at the sight,watching with him as the video renders.I burst out in a fit of giggles as he pulls me onto his lap.I drape my legs over the armrest and rest my head on his shoulder.I sigh,"You're actually one of the nicest people I've met."

He asks,"Really?I,uh,haven't heard that before."

I nod,"Yeah,definitely.I'm not this close to a lot of people,just because I don't really trust easily.You're the first sober guy I met today though."

He laughs loudly,"Well,trusting all the sober guys?"

I shake my head,"Nah.I don't talk to a lot of guys.I'm kinda shy.You've kinda pulled me out of my comfort zone though,so it's really cool." He looks into my eyes,smiling brightly.

Shaking his head,Sean suggests,"Maybe you should stay here for tonight,it's getting late." I nod lightly and he leads me upstairs. "Why don't you put on some of my clothes for pyjamas?" I nod lightly and go into his closet,pulling out a Captain America tee shirt.I go into his drawers,pulling out black sweatpants.I watch him go into the bathroom with his own pyjamas,and decide to change in the bedroom.I slip out of my skinny jeans and plain white tee shirt,pulling the clothes over my body.

A voice from the doorway chuckles,"Ah,very sexy.I like it." Pulling the tee shirt over me,I look up to see the mysterious Mark man.He's grinning wildly as he makes his way towards me.The bathroom door swings open,revealing Sean in only his boxers.I don't know which is worse,the mostly naked man,or the drunk man.

Sean growls,"Mark,go back into your room." Mark rolls his eyes,blowing me a kiss before he exits.I turn towards Sean,who seems to realise he's practically naked,looks down at himself. "Uh,I do tend to sleep in boxers,if you don't mind.I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

I deny,"No,no it's okay." I smile lightly as he crawls into bed.He motions for me to join him and I cautiously do so.I crawl in next to him,laying my head on his chest.He strokes my hair soothingly and whispers in my ear softly.

He whispers,"It's been great meeting you.I'm glad your here."

I mutter,"Just for tonight though.Right?"

He nods,"Tonight."

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