Chapter 5

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You know how you never forget a face?Well that's what I thought of as Mark brought his friends to Sean and I.

Afterwards,when the panel is over,Mark leads the two men over to us.Mark introduces,"Alanna,this is Bob and Wade.Wade and Bob,this is my friend Alanna."

Bob waves while Wade looks completely stunned.I smile lightly,"Nice to meet you two.This is my first convention."

Wade speaks up,"Really?You seem like a natural when it comes to signing things and going to panels."

I giggle,"Well thanks,I guess.I mean,for a while I would watch clips of conventions on YouTube but suddenly I was a big thing and they asked me to fly out here."

Bob raises an eyebrow,"Fly out?Where are you from?"

I could feel me getting even more nervous as I respond,"I-Ireland."

Wade smiles,"Like Sean." I nod lightly,turning to Sean so I could get rid of the butterflies in my stomach.I don't know why,but Wade is so familiar,but I can't put my finger on the reason why.I turn back to them,feeling my cheeks get red.

I rush out,"Well,I'm going to go to the other booths!Nice to meet you guys!" I run off,looking at the different booths.There was a group of men standing at one,all wearing shirts that say "The Sidemen".I stop suddenly,looking at the group.

One of the men,quite tall with a scruffy beard and clean cut hair,asks,"Why are you running?"

I step towards the booth,"Sorry if my presence scared you.I was just,getting away from some drama stuff."

The man grins,"It's no problem.I'm Josh by the way."

I smile lightly,"Alanna."

One of the other men,quite scrawny with a loosely hanging sweatshirt,questions,"Alanna Blake?" I nod,grinning wider. "I'm Jerome's friend,Vik.Full name Vikram.He's lookin' for you,y'know?"

I nod,my smile fading,"Yeah,I kinda guessed.He and I aren't really on good terms after what happened with Ryan."

Vik nods lightly,"Yeah,well.I think you shouldn't leave him in the dark.He doesn't know what's going on and really just wants to be friends."

Josh comments,"Yeah,but does she really wanna have to deal with someone?"

A voice from my right calls,"Yo Vik!You found her!" I turn and see the face I've been dreading.Jerome rushes over to us,a smile on his bright face.Mitch trails behind him and I suddenly feel the butterflies in my stomach again.Why,of all things,do I need to run into Jerome?I wish Sean was here right now to save me.

Mitch asks,"Alanna, why have you been avoiding us?"

I sigh,"Just 'cause.The whole Ryan thing,you know?" Mitch nods lightly and I look behind him,trying to see if Sean is coming to save me anytime soon.I see Sean's face emerge and I smile to myself.

Jerome questions,"Could we get lunch at least?You do kinda owe us."

I tell him,"I would,but I'm not holding up my friend,Sean." I rush over to Sean,who smiles upon sight of me.I wrap my arms around him and he lifts me up in a hug.When he sets me down,he wraps his arm around my shoulder as I look at the stunned faces of the men. "It was nice to meet you Vikram and Josh." Sean walks me out of the convention centre so we can get lunch.

Sean asks,"What was that all about?"

I shrug,"Just some people I know.Jerome and Mitch,Ryan's friends,were there and I felt uncomfortable Thank you for sweeping in,by the way."

Sean nods,"It was nothing.I thought I sensed a princess in danger." I giggle lightly and he takes me into a Chinese food shop close by.He and I get our food and leave,eating while walking down the side walk. "Alanna,do you have feelings for Jerome?"

I shake my head,"Not that I know of." I laugh lightly. "Jerome is a nice guy but I don't think I could ever date him after what Ryan had put me through.Ryan used to mooch off me when we were together.Going to the bar every other night,using me for sex.He never paid rent either.It was all me."

Sean takes in a sharp breath before continuing,"You shouldn't have had to deal with that.I swear darling,it's gonna get better."

I look at him and smile, "Thanks Sean.I appreciate the reassurance."

He and I walk back to the hotel,tossing out our empty food containers.We find Mark sitting with Bob and Wade in the hotel room,playing Gmod.I ask,"Can we all go to the beach?I thought that would be something fun to do since I'm basically a ghost." Sean nods,grinning,and going through his suitcase to pull out his swim trunks.I rush over to my room,pulling out my bikini.

Once I get my bikini,I close my room door and strip down,pulling on the bikini bottoms.There's a knock on the door and I start to tell the person not to come in but Sean enters anyway,his plain white swim trunks being the first thing that catches my eye.

Sean covers his eyes quickly,rushing out,"I am so sorry!I didn't know you were changing in here!"

I sigh,"It's fine,I guess.I was almost done anyway." I pull on the bikini top and he uncovers his eyes.I grab a sun hat and sunglasses,grabbing a bag and putting in things I might need,including my phone.I pull the bag over my shoulders and slip on my sandals.Sean and I walk out to the rental car where Mark is waiting with his friends in the back.We hop in,Sean driving and me in the passenger side.He drives us to the beach and I grab my beach bag,pulling Sean out of the car and onto the warm sand.

Sean laughs,"Hold on!Hold on!"

I giggle,"Sean,get a picture of us on the beach!" I hand him my phone,which he changes into the right camera position and snaps a photo of us.Afterwards,I drop my phone along with the car keys into my bag.Once in there,I drag Sean into the ocean where water laps over our feet.

Sean exclaims,"Don't let go!"

Laughing,I act with him,"I'll never let go Jack!"

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