1. Runaway

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(F/Y) ~ Favorite YouTuber

TWs ~ Child Abuse/Neglect, mention of sexual relationship with a large age gap (both adults, just a big age gap)


You sighed, staring blankly up at your ceiling. You could hear the muffled voices of your parents arguing below you, your cheap headphones not being able to fully block out the noise. You were listening to some music on max volume, and it was giving you a headache. You'd rather a headache than having to hear the disgusting words your parents were screaming about each other and you. Somehow, your parents always managed to drag you into every single one of their arguments. They always blamed you for destroying their marriage, and complained about how your mom regretted not having an abortion. You pondered why they didn't just give you up for adoption. Your best guess was that they would get in less legal trouble taking out their physical anger on you than one another. Whenever your dad even got too close to your mom during an argument, she screamed abuse and called the police. You just didn't have the energy to fight back against them, so it was easier to hit you instead. You were just happy that they even let you live with them, you were sure they would've kicked you out the second you turned 18, but here you are.

You threw your legs over the side of your bed, standing up. Glancing over quickly at your old digital clock on your nightstand, you realized just how long they had been arguing. It had been at least three hours. Dread and anxiety pooled in your stomach and you tore your gaze away from the clock. You instead looked over at your creaky wooden door, and quickly walked over to it. You checked the lost, triple checking it to make sure it was locked. Usually if your door was locked they held off their abuse until later, or forgot they even wanted to hit you completely. That was only usually though, and this was far different from usual. they never argued this long unless your mom found out something particularly terrible. By that, you usually mean she found out your dad was sleeping with another woman. Everyone knows your dad has been cheating on your mom for years, and he even had a woman - who is half his age - get an abortion because he had gotten her pregnant. You're honestly surprised that only happened once, factoring in the sheer number of woman he sleeps with. You huffed, and furrowed your brows. You felt like crying, but stopped yourself from doing so. It wouldn't help anything, other than maybe letting out some pent up emotions. Your parents would probably hear, though, and you didn't need any attention from them right now.

You shuffled tiredly over to your desk, sitting down in your chair. You might as well do something over than laying in bed idly, maybe you could watch one of your comfort youtubers. You turned on your laptop, and opened YouTube. You browsed the recommended videos, eventually clicking on one by (F/Y). You paused your music, and plugged your headphones into your laptop. The video played in the background as you opened up Google Classroom. You hadn't started your homework yet, and it was getting late. You started with your Language homework first, quickly finishing what you needed to do. Language and Science were always your strong suit in school, and even with the advanced classes you took, you were still ahead of your peers. Math and Civics on the other hand were definitely not your strong suit. Civics was okay, just extremely boring, and Math just had you completely lost sometimes. You still had good grades in those subjects, they just took you some more time. Another thing you excelled in was Art, it was one of your biggest hobbies other than writing. You had art hung up on your wall, depicting your favorite characters and things. You took a second away from your work to look at the art hung up above your desk. It was some drawings of a few creepypasta characters, and recreations of the slenderman posters. You had done a pretty good job recreating them, in your opinion.

You finished your work pretty quickly, and decided to browse the internet. You found some badly written creepypastas, and read them to help boost your spirits. It actually worked pretty well, and you found yourself feeling much better after reading a few of them. Eventually, you got tired and bored. Checking the time, you saw it was 10:48 at night. You questioned why you were tired for a moment, since you always went to bed late. You assumed it was just because you had been sitting for so long, and decided to make a quick bathroom break from your internet browsing to stretch your legs and splash some water on your face to refreshen a bit. You took out your headphones, straining your ears to listen for any sounds from your parents. Luckily, you didn't hear anything coming from either of them. You walked over to your door, opening it just enough you could slip through. You quietly snuck through the hallway and into the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked disheveled and greasy, but that was usual for you. You turned on the sink, cupping your hands under the stream of cold water, You bent over the sink, splashing the gathered water on your face. You repeated this a few times before closing the faucet and patting your face dry with a towel.

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